Well-Known Member
GetX'd you live in OC right? There's a 76 station in Fullerton that sells 110 oct race gas.
Keep in mind - again I can't get even 93 octane. Best case is 91. Would I have to use the octane booster to bring it up closer to at least 93??
We only get 91 here in North Dakota..... But we do have a new ExxonMobile gas station that sells no ethanol 91. Best pump gas I've ever ran. The exhaust fumes actually smell slightly like race fuel.
But maybe I'm a lil bias since I work for Exxon! Haha
But seriously, ExxonMobile gas is top notch.
I buy ethanol-free gas. It's about .30/gallon more, but you use less since it produces more power. You can go to this website to find a station near you. http://pure-gas.org/
Bruzilla - I have access to one of the stations that is ethanol free near my home. The problem is their max octane is 91. Would that be sufficient for a built 440 to run on? I was told by the builder 93 was the minimum I would Need to run in it. I'm just wondering if the ethanol free impacts that at all. What do you think?
Does anyone know if you can run 91 octane in a built 440 if it's ethanol free gas? Does the no ethanol content make a difference?