Bob - while I appreciate your comments and desire to see hard data (which you now have posted several times) I think you need to take it down a notch or 2. The SDS is listed on the website if you care to look. Yes it is flammable which they readily admit, however in my case I do not have a lot of options really and this is one of them.
I am slightly confused by your statement about filling an empty system. I think you are saying that if someone was using a refrigerant reclamation device/machine and removed some Enviro-safe that it would then contaminate that machine/device. This is not an issue for me since I do not have such a device. My intention is to possibly use it to fill a brand new system in the 71 I am building and perhaps regenerate some of the other older systems I have which from reading about the product on the company's website along with a member's recommendation and experiences it seems I can do.
Oh and as far as not wanting to park next to someone using this or a similar product, let's be real as vehicles in general are pretty flammable given that they contain an ignition device (battery), many potential triggers (wiring) and a heap of fuel sources (gasoline, carpet, sound deadener, etc.). I do not think that a vehicle using Enviro-Safe or similar product is any more dangerous than anything else. Its like saying you won't own a house next to another house that uses gas heat or even has a propane grille.
I am not trying to start some controversy or argument here, I do agree that it would be nice to have some numbers such as "with R123A my AC was blowing at X deg F and now with Enviro-safe it blows at Y degrees F", however despite the lack of this data I am still interested in the product given my current situation.