hello, I have used a local spring shop that has re-arched two sets of springs for me (2 more cars to do). They also replaced defective leaf's in the spring pack that did not meet their standards. Also, the first set that was done was for my 66 Belvedere, the guys wanted to know how much lift or arch I needed. I gave them an idea of my thoughts and plans on how high I wanted the back of the car to set. Well, I guessed too much. The car sat way too high, along with that the rear spring hanger when attached to the spring didn't hang correctly. In other words, the re-arched spring pulled the rear spring hanger forward to the extent that it was almost parallel with the frame. Way, TOO much arch.
I contacted the spring shop, explained the problem, They told me bring 'em back we will re-arch them free of charge. I know, alot of work, but it paid off and it also made it easier when I did the second set. I'm very pleased with the out come. Rick