So heres what I did. Four wheel drum 1963 Sport Fury booster went bad. $250ish to rebuild so... I bought a booster/master combo for a four wheel drum 67 Charger for $100 new so I could also get the dual reservoir. Changed the pedal rod to match length and brake switch end for my Fury. Bled it out and it stops good but the pedal is low, not to the floor but just lower than the gas pedal while stopping. Sits up normal otherwise so I know its not pedal rod or master rod length issue. Ive seen some chatter about residual valves during dual res master swaps which are unfamiliar to me, I mean I understand how they work, just wanting some advice on them as most of what I see about them is refering to disc master swaps. Just curious if they might help. Thanx for any help.