I saw so many rock headliners at 'Day on the green/s" several years in a row
mid-later 70's, I can't even remember all the names of them, so many great bands...
We lived just over the hill for Concord Pavilion, I could hear & almost see them for free
every weekend, some good band was playing, some pretty crappy ones too....
I wish I could have seen Elvis in his prime
not the Vegas Elvis, he died in my senior year summer 1977
I wish I could have seen Buffalo Springfield in their prime, I was a youngster
I dislike Neil Young (his Politics) but didn't mind him while he was with that band
The Beatles, my oldest sister Lori & one of my step brothers Tim
both played their albums constantly
I got sick of it
I sort of disliked them until I was out of the house, came to like their music
didn't care much for any of their solo careers
A whole bunch of Motown Ottis Redding
Sitting on the dock of the bay, I played my moms album like 3 times a week
I was pretty young when he died
The Supremes, The Tops, Ricky Valley, The Temps, Spinners, Marvin Gay
& so, so many of the Mowtown people/bands
(mostly older "oldies" bands late 50's early 60's & 70's eras)
I didn't get to see live...
I was into Surfer Music for a time too, it was old even when I heard it...
I like all kinds of music, if it makes me tap my feet or get up for it, I like it
I have a list of C&W too, but that's for another day...
I could have seen the Grateful Dead, for free, it was later in their careers
I passed, not into that stuff for the most part, too many dopers/acid trippers
to deal with, more than the band...
or the;
Skinhead/Headbangers mosh pit, Acid Rock or cRapp,
I had/still have no interest in either of them, at all
a whole lot of the grunge era...
I was into 'country or the hairbands' later 80's early-mid 90's
very slim piken's (it seemed) in good Rock & roll, then because of it,
(I liked stuff you could understand the words, not just loud ****)
I lived thru the Disco era, Disco Sucked, (much like Taylor Swift today)
I didn't care for it much then
now I'll listen to it on the radio, when they sneak one in, instead of switching channels
like I used to
I was born in 1959, didn't go to my 1st concert till 1975-ish at like 15-16 y/o