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Speeding Ticket Record

In Colorado in the late 70s you received 4 points when you got your license, 4 more when you turned 18 and 4 more when you turned 21. So as adults, a clean record is 12 points above, still is. A speeding ticket ranged from a 2 to 4 point deduction.Wreckless, careless, exhibition of speed, 4 to 12 point deduction.

I was 17, had my license for a little over a year and I was 38 points in the hole. I received a notice from the state informing me I was to appear at a hearing for license revocation. I had enlisted in the Marine Corps about a month earlier and was scheduled to go to boot camp in another month. I stood in front of the judge doing my best to tap dance out of this mess. He just looked at me with a blank stare. He then said," It says here that you are going to Marine Boot Camp next month. We will take your license and give it back to you the day before you go in because it will be easier for you in the service if you have a driver’s license. But if you get another ticket in the State of Colorado over the next 4 years, we will take your license for 6 years."

Hell I wasn't even in the country the next 4 years let alone the state. When I got out, clean record. Has pretty much been that way ever since until a couple of weeks ago.
In Finland our neighbourland you can get tickets thats exceed 100.000 Dollars, the fine is based on income and fortune, beat that.

That's cause of the "RED" school of opinions concerning $

Happy vets Day!:hatwave:
I got pulled over and got a $120 no seat belt ticket 2 blocks from the courthouse.. on my way to go to court on a no seat belt ticket I got 2 weeks before.. Same P.O.S motorcycle cop. He said he didn't remember me. Course his word over mine, and I was wearing my seat belt. first time he had me over 2 hours, measuring rear tires and listening to my exhaust, commenting about window tint.. etc... couldn't get me for anything so he gave me a no seat belt ticket.. Got em both thrown out.. It was a 92 318efi shortbox dakota OD auto with factory 3:91posi that I had 3" flowmasters and 50 series tires on.. I miss that thing.. fun as h*ll
Well, I have you all beat with the shittiest ticket. I got a ticket last night cause my truck was parked in front of my house overnight!!!!!! There's no parking on the street from 2-6AM. I came home late in the wife's car and just pulled in the garage, forgetting to move my truck into the driveway. $31 for parking overnight in front of my OWN house !!!! NEW JERSEY SUCKS !!!!!!
early 90's i got a ticket for 113 in a 55 and improper lane usage. thats what happens when you use the merging lane to pass 3 lanes of cars then find the reason they are all going so slow is a cop was leading the pack...ooops. i remember getting about 30 tickets from 16 to 21 and thanks to my lawyer (mom) i still had a license. i cant really speak of the things i didnt get caught for...okay one. it was 2am on a lonely highway road and as i was going about 100 and this mustang passes me like i was sitting still so i decided to catch him well at about 120 a cop went by me so fast i didnt even see him coming it scared the heck out of me so i slowed way down and 5 minutes later i saw them on the side of the road and the mustang guy was in hand cuffs. i would love to know how fast the cop was going but i am sure well over 150. it was all so fun though glad nobody got hurt.
Back in the mid 90's while I was doing corn harvest with the semi. Was leaving the plant (on sunday) and going south on a 2-lane hwy, got pulled over for 70 in a 55. Got out and started talking to the state trooper asking him why he wasn't doing security at the iowa hawkeye game. Said he wasn't a big fan, had a friend that worked in the ticket office so he would request those days to work the highway. Had 2 more friends that were doing the same thing (speeding). All of us didn't know that we had gotten pulled over by the same trooper until we got back to the plant with our field corn. The cop did drop the speed down to 9 mph over the limit instead of 15 mph over. I'll bet he had one heck of a story to tell his buddies when he got back to the HQ. I know the gal at the courthouse had a good laugh when I walked in to pay the tickets(the other guys gave me the money to pay theirs) and saw 3 tickets for speeding in the same area and by the same cop. I still get a chuckle yet today.
110 in a 45.... It was on the interstate in a "construction" area. Now don't go chastising me. It was in a construction zone where the crew had not been working for almost 2 years. They do that in Ohio a fair amount. Was in a stupid 75 Trans Am (I know...booo, hiss) Anyway this was back in I think about 1987. I am trying to remember how much the ticket was...But for the life of me I don't recall. What I do remember about that. I got arrested, the car got towed to impound and I had to call my dad to come pay my fine. They weren't going to let me out of jail until it was paid. (I was from out of state.) Then the old man had to pay the impound fee. I paid him back when I could get to my money. I lost 6 points on my license and I wanna say it was about $600 total for everything.
My "speed racing" ticket got reduced to $390, one of my more expensive wall decorations lol

A buddy of mine got two "exhibition of speed" (read "burnout") tickets in the same parking lot within 10 minutes of each other, second burnout was in anger of the first ticket haha. Think that grand total ended up being close to my $390
Just left work on a Monday afternoon back in 1985 in Long Beach CA, a cop pulled me over said I ran a red light, driving in a unsafe manner, exhibition of speed on several occasions, arguing didn't help and he had to use 3 different tickets to complete the initial stop. Then got into GTX started it up (revved it a little OK a lot)and he came running to my window with hand on gun and told me to get out of the car as he was writing me another ticket for excessive noise from the exhaust. I then asked if he could think of anything else he wanted to write up for and at that point he was getting his cuffs out. After he talked to his partner he removed the cuffs cussed me out and told me to leave. I fired up the GTX again and revved again then put in gear and nailed it. about 6 miles later he caught up with me and wrote me another exhibition ticket. I just smiled told him it was worth it and left. 2 hrs later got pulled over again for no turn signal on a right turn. The following day pulled over twice for speeding again (both time 5 miles over). The next day for noisy exhaust. That evening for tail lights to dim. The next day no hood. Tickets grand total was almost 6k. I talked to my dad and he made some phone calls. Was told to go to Police dept so they could inspect my car. They passed everything with no work done on car Nothing nada (except put on hood). Then went to see the judge scarred as crap thought for sure I was going to LA county jail for a few days and a lawyer showed up and had a private conversation with the judge, and when court reconvened the judge called me back up to the bench said a few words to me then smacked the gavel all charges dismissed. WHOO HOO what a relief it was.

The funny thing was that the first officer and I became really good friends after that, He even assisted me on a couple repo's I was doing while he was on duty. We still talk to this day.
Just left work on a Monday afternoon back in 1985 in Long Beach CA, a cop pulled me over said I ran a red light, driving in a unsafe manner, exhibition of speed on several occasions, arguing didn't help and he had to use 3 different tickets to complete the initial stop. Then got into GTX started it up (revved it a little OK a lot)and he came running to my window with hand on gun and told me to get out of the car as he was writing me another ticket for excessive noise from the exhaust. I then asked if he could think of anything else he wanted to write up for and at that point he was getting his cuffs out. After he talked to his partner he removed the cuffs cussed me out and told me to leave. I fired up the GTX again and revved again then put in gear and nailed it. about 6 miles later he caught up with me and wrote me another exhibition ticket. I just smiled told him it was worth it and left. 2 hrs later got pulled over again for no turn signal on a right turn. The following day pulled over twice for speeding again (both time 5 miles over). The next day for noisy exhaust. That evening for tail lights to dim. The next day no hood. Tickets grand total was almost 6k. I talked to my dad and he made some phone calls. Was told to go to Police dept so they could inspect my car. They passed everything with no work done on car Nothing nada (except put on hood). Then went to see the judge scarred as crap thought for sure I was going to LA county jail for a few days and a lawyer showed up and had a private conversation with the judge, and when court reconvened the judge called me back up to the bench said a few words to me then smacked the gavel all charges dismissed. WHOO HOO what a relief it was.

The funny thing was that the first officer and I became really good friends after that, He even assisted me on a couple repo's I was doing while he was on duty. We still talk to this day.

cool story 68GTX440... made me laugh, sorry to laugh at your pain... funny how things work out in life, isn't it ??
My record is sort of from the opposite end - I nailed a guy for impaired operation - then got him, impaired again, 2 days later. Between the impaired charges, open liquor tickets, driving while suspended, etc., I think he had 9 or 10 separate charges in the end. Sent him off to court to deal with everything all in the same day.

What did he get? He pled guilty to ONE impaired charge (over 80), and they dropped everything else. Of note, he has since been charged and convicted again. I hope he kills himself before someone else.
My record is sort of from the opposite end - I nailed a guy for impaired operation - then got him, impaired again, 2 days later. Between the impaired charges, open liquor tickets, driving while suspended, etc., I think he had 9 or 10 separate charges in the end. Sent him off to court to deal with everything all in the same day.

What did he get? He pled guilty to ONE impaired charge (over 80), and they dropped everything else. Of note, he has since been charged and convicted again. I hope he kills himself before someone else.

I was wondering when the Law Enforcement side would chime in. Thanks for doing what you do.
without law enforcement it would be anarchy, especially with teenage & 20 something boys, with high powered cars/trucks depending on where you live I guess, I had both... then there's the drunken & drugged out idiots, or the people eating, putting on their make up, texting on or talking on the damn cell phone, while they're driving etc.
Yup it is funny now!! Mike (the first officer)and I talk it about it once and we both still laugh our arses off about it. That was a bad week for me. <LOL>
93 in a 35, in my neck of the woods there's the "new highway" and the "old highway". The new highway is pretty much straight as an arrow, and the old highway twists and turns and is intersected by the new highway. For some reason, when the new highway was opened, the old highway's speed limit was reduced to 35.

I was out joy riding, and on one part of the new highway there's a long, straight hill. I was winding out an S10 on this hill and just as I was reaching the bottom of the hill I notice a state boy hiding near the tree line off the side of the road. I think it ended up costing me somewhere around $350 (this was back in 1999)

As a side note, I don't know how many times the town clowns have tried pulling me over in my Charger thinking I'm not wearing a seat belt
Just left work on a Monday afternoon back in 1985 in Long Beach CA, a cop pulled me over said I ran a red light, driving in a unsafe manner, exhibition of speed on several occasions, arguing didn't help and he had to use 3 different tickets to complete the initial stop. Then got into GTX started it up (revved it a little OK a lot)and he came running to my window with hand on gun and told me to get out of the car as he was writing me another ticket for excessive noise from the exhaust. I then asked if he could think of anything else he wanted to write up for and at that point he was getting his cuffs out. After he talked to his partner he removed the cuffs cussed me out and told me to leave. I fired up the GTX again and revved again then put in gear and nailed it. about 6 miles later he caught up with me and wrote me another exhibition ticket. I just smiled told him it was worth it and left. 2 hrs later got pulled over again for no turn signal on a right turn. The following day pulled over twice for speeding again (both time 5 miles over). The next day for noisy exhaust. That evening for tail lights to dim. The next day no hood. Tickets grand total was almost 6k. I talked to my dad and he made some phone calls. Was told to go to Police dept so they could inspect my car. They passed everything with no work done on car Nothing nada (except put on hood). Then went to see the judge scarred as crap thought for sure I was going to LA county jail for a few days and a lawyer showed up and had a private conversation with the judge, and when court reconvened the judge called me back up to the bench said a few words to me then smacked the gavel all charges dismissed. WHOO HOO what a relief it was.

The funny thing was that the first officer and I became really good friends after that, He even assisted me on a couple repo's I was doing while he was on duty. We still talk to this day.
I think you win!!!
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