I had the same problem with these after market generic boosters. The comments above are correct. It is the heat on the booster that causes the seal on the bakelite piston on the input rod to get tight. This is because they hang off brackets from the firewall and are more exposed to engine bay heat - in particular the back of them.
Changing the booster and master cylinder set-up back to factory solved my problem.
Why does that help? Because the booster is mounted directly to the firewall and the back of it is not exposed to heat from the engine bay. Therefore, the seal and bakelite piston at the back don't get hot and cause the sticking. Also, apparently these aftermarket generic boosters return springs are not as strong.
Since changing back to the booster mounted on the firewall I have had no more pedal return problems.
Also, check for what might contribute to engine bay heat. Retarded timing will give more heat in the engine bay. Extractors??