You can do much better than .5% money market or savings just by buying preferred shares.
I have some paying 8% that don't get called until 2025.
The replacements have already been issued at 4%, but even that is better than .5%
Not quite as stable as savings, but pretty darn stable if big name company.
Most of mine are financials. JPM for example.
However, the common JPM is up 130% since I first bought it and it pays pretty well (3.75% IIRC) too.
Investing is a my hobby now and I run with a group of 5 guys that play just like I do. I read and investigate all the do's and don'ts and what happened and why. It's always easier to look back and say I should have done this or that. I've made my share of mistakes and have gotten lucky more than a few time. Warren Buffett and you used the same Savvy moves in that time period, that very impressive.