Well-Known Member
It's an interesting question, will it be faster with a looser converter giving less RPM drop between shifts? The converter slipping will mean that some of the power is used to heat the oil instead of moving the car forward? Does it depend on what your torque curve looks like?
The converter will keep the RPM's within the power range between shifts rather than letting it drop below and forcing the motor to build power again (more stress on the converter, but less on the motor)
With all the converters I've installed for customers wanting to go fast, I've always received complaints about the tranny not shifting as hard as it used to with a stock converter or not being able to bark the tires on the 1-2 shift.
They'd all get pissy like they just wasted a ton of money :argue:
That is, until they look at their timeslip and notice the drop in ET :icon_thumright: