Sounds good to me Photon. I'll take exact measurements of blade for a sense of scale.Hey Jim, I've got some water-slide decal sheets that are designed to run through my colour laser printer, they'd do the job for you.
WHAT. a Guy!! Thanks M ...i could never Thank You enough. Thank Bud 'Laz', all the Boyz, Your CO..the Air Old Man would be Sooo Stoked! My Friends i have told about this have all kinda dropped Their jaw...saying..."You?! but Why?"Thank you all for the very kind words.
All of you are so kind.
I'm hoping this gesture will allow Jimi to concentrate on his illness and induce positiveness for his battle.
We all know that sometimes we can agree to disagree, be it in a calm and peaceful manner or by letting our emotions take over.
I have been responsible for the later with Jimi.
But when it comes down to it, we are truly more alike than different.
So, this is hoping the Flag being flown in the F-22 mounted in the presentation case for Jimi will help him soar above the "noise" and focus on his very important battle ahead of him.
I would do it for all of you, as I am so very confident that you all would do something for anyone of us.
PS: Flag has been flown, folded and installed in the case.
Signed with a neat presentation certificate by my very dear Bud "Laz" who took that F-22 up and after the mission:
"wrang her out a bit"for Jimi!
Just awaiting the small engraved plaque for the case.
Yes He is! Im on Cloud Nine!
Hi Ya Homie! So far looking good for FF VN. Hopefully my Brother is on board & we'll fly into Van Nuys corporate......probably just for saturday, maybe an overnight.This is a lot of reading for me, but I did have a beer with the Ski at a cool watering hole. It was good. Hope to again, but he is a busy guy.
Thank you ALL of you out there that served. The rest of us all owe more than we can say. My father was a B24 pilot in the south pacific during WW II. Not much support there. He only told me a few stories. The conditions were not good. But you folks that have been in the fight know what it's like. Thank you again.