Well-Known Member
Well, I’m already old (51) and it’s getting heavier and harder already lol. I haven’t been spinning wrenches for too long I guess about 10 years ish. The car I’m working on now (1969 Charger) is my 5th classic car (second mopar). With each car I’ve done more of the work myself. It’s a process and I pick my battles. I also have a very understanding wife lol. Thanks for the reminder in the loctite. That’s a good idea.How long have you been spinning wrenches? After awhile, you get the 'feel' until you get old and then everything is heavier and harder to do lol. You can also look up nut and bolt sizes for fine and course threads and find charts for torque specs on the net....or get a machinists' handbook but really don't need one of those to work on cars. Also, I like to use a dab of red Loc-tite on 'critical' front end components unless there's a castle nut going on studs etc.