(OK, starting to catch up here, so now the posts will go slower.)
The block still needs boring and honing. My hope is I can get to that next week but we will see how that goes.
Meanwhile, my Scat stroker kit arrived.
As I stated, this is a budget build, and for a car meant for the street. So the stroker crank is a 4.00" stroke but it is cast.

Yeah, guess what: a cast crank can easily take the 500 or less horsepower and 6000 RPM this street motor will see, so there is no need for a forged unit at a lot of extra cost. Crank looked nice with radiused edges. I haven't measured anything yet though...
Similarly, I have hypereutectic pistons. These will also do everything I need from a power and performance perspective. These are .030" over for a 340, so in other words for a 4.070" bore. With these pistons, I can probably go with .002" clearance between the piston and bores; forged would require .004" or so since forged pistons "grow" more with heat.
The pistons look nice. I did a preliminary weighing of the pistons and had a maximum difference of 1 gram between the lightest and heaviest piston. 3 of them were at the lightest weight, so I need to grind out 0.5 gram out of 2 pistons and 1.0 gram out of 3. (Later on, once I balance the whole reciprocating assembly, all these weights will become important. These are OK out of the box, but I will strive to make them even better so I get a super smooth and nice running engine.)
Finally, on to the rods. I measured the rods from the Skat stroker kit.
They are over spec out of the box! There is no taper, however, so that is good, but they range from just at the high end of the spec to .0002" too loose. These would probably survive in the engine just as they are, but I DON'T WANT THEM .0002" too loose from spec!!! THIS is why you trust NOTHING and measure everything, even brand new stuff. As the saying goes, trust but verify...
So I will need to tighten them up a bit to get them where they need to be. Damn it. More work that shouldn't be needed, but it will likely be a bigger hassle to exchange them and hope for a better set.
By the way, besides the slight oversize, the rods look really nice with ARP fasterers and seem to be well made.
The kit also came with rings and bearings and other parts for the reciprocating assembly. However, I haven't spent any time looking at that stuff yet. Too soon!