I guess I'll chime in. In the mid to late 70s, in high school, I had a Navy regulation hair cut, in NJROTC and on the Drill Team. Lots of my friends had long, LONG hair, mimicking the styles of the rock band members we like(d) so much.
So once I graduated, with wavy, kinda curly hair anyway, I let it grow out some.
Now at 61, I still have a full head of hair, FULL, no thin spots, and little gray.
So I've told the tale of being without a vacation for about 5 years, and I took off the week for Cruisin the Coast a few months after I got my Roadrunner.
The former Marine and "old school" grooming standards boss I had hassled me about my long-ish hair, so I decided to get a Mohawk for Cruisin the Coast, so every day I'd know I was on vacation as my boss would have a kinipshin if I was at work with a long Mohawk.
It worked for me as I immediately immersed myself in "vacation mindset", but the only way to "fix" a Mohawk to go back to work is to cut ALL my hair off to match the short part of the Mohawk and that's what I did.
Then I'd let it grow out and repeat the process every October.
I've had it braided with glass beads in it, and shaved on the sides too!
Unfortunately the propensity for political wackos to dye their hair purple has messed up my "theme" of matching the purple color of the Roadrunner's head feathers. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that moving forward.
And the "back to work" cut...