Or, as known in the British Army...a Potato Masher. The Germans used these grenades in both world wars.
WW2 "potato masher" German hand grenade.
You believe a POLITICAL fact checker?!? What in the world could make you think they tell the truth, just because they SAY they do? I feel sorry for you.
wish that would happen here the local mcds sucks
To Jcharger. This "The not a meme meme thread" is here for people with and have a sense of humor. If you have an issue with this, please drop kick yourself onto this thread and enjoy yourself. https://www.forbbodiesonly.com/moparforum/forums/fbbo-political-forum.69/
With all of the accidents and deaths on the highways, with people going over 100, driving drunk, car jacking, we really need to make cars illegal..... MANY MORE AUTO DEATHS than gun deaths...The post was to gently make the point that the first meme was manipulated and discredited (fake news). It also is distasteful in light of events of the past few weeks. I believe in responsible use of firearms, but they are for killing. And that is probably what many of the murders in the cities were done with. I read about the increased security at the NRA and understand it has to do with Trump being there, but I also ask myself, why isn't that the safest place for him to be with all the guns and all.