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Thieves Caught Red (Bloodied) Handed

I must’ve been raised up differently because I was taught from the first not to touch other people’s property!
Wouldn’t it be easier not to touch other people’s property?
No it wouldn't be easier but thats not the point. Do you leave the keys in your car with the window down and a hundred dollar bill on the dash and set a trap in the car? Then claim nobody should touch your car? Do you agree with a idiot who jury rigged a shotgun to go off if someone broke into his house? Sounds like instant justice until the house went on fire or the idiot had a accident and was unable to tell anyone about the trap. Putting razor blades inside those coolers goes to certain type of mentality and while nobody should not touch others property setting traps is illegal and dumb because of the risks involved
Stop and think about it what if this cooler jerk had kids and the kid grabbed the handle or it was a friends kid, anything could happen. Thats my thinking.
I must’ve been raised up differently because I was taught from the first not to touch other people’s property!
Anytime you want to talk about how you were raised as compared to how i was you send me a PM and we can discuss it.
A person that is interested in violating my personal space and property are exercising some degree of caution, to begin with, because they know what they are doing has risks. They know that cameras are very common and many folks are armed as well.
Taking special measures of any kind for the safety and comfort of an invader is just plain upside down WRONG.
Who in their right mind would -effort- for the aid and comfort of a law-breaking invader??:rolleyes:

How many of us would invite an intruder to stay a while for a cup of coffee --and hide them from the cops that were called by a neighbor that was trying to help protect us from a crime?:realcrazy:
Oops --we are talking about individual personal space and not general protection of the community.---Sorry I can get carried away sometimes with a topic like this.:eek:
Wouldn’t it be easier not to touch other people’s property?

My father in law told me a story a while back. His old buddy was army special forces in Vietnam and was on what he described as a Death Squad. Was tasked with doing some unspeakable things to civilian villagers.

Year or so ago someone broke in and stole his laptop, some cash... all while the guy slept. When he woke up he was so angry at having slept through it. Swore he’d have killed the guys and piled them up out front for the cops.

Turns out these were neighborhood kids, not meth heads not gang bangers. Cops caught them pretty quick. After calming down, he agreed that it was best he slept, and that maybe God even set it that way. Said the kids may not have diserved what he would have given them.

I guess the point is, with some things like a lifted cooler, maybe forgiveness is a better plan. Maybe those kids wake up one day and regret it all on their own.
About five years ago, there were people throwing rocks on my roof at 3 am. I went outside to tell them to stop, they ran and fell and scraped their knees. Never seen them again!
If someone wanted something that bad just ask!
I'll get **** from some of you here for this but I'm a big boy and I can take. I try to be a good person in life do the right thing and would never wish any harm on someone but I have no sympathy for thieves. It's simple you don't steal!
It might be just the cooler in the pictures but what other things did they plan on stealing or did steal from this person and other people, poles, radar equipment and so on. That is some very dark thick blood in the picture, I am sure those cuts required medical attention. My house has been broken into 2 times and my garage once. You do the best you can to raise your children right but some people just don't get it and will never respect other people and their property. Is it a bit extreme to put razor blades on things? I think so but obviously this person has had it and did something about it. Did this thief learn a lesson yup but will be back out in a few night doing it all over again.
When one has been (or is being) violated by an invader are we expected to "profile" who that person may or may not be?
The drug world is doing a big business these days and their customers are on a headlong mission to pay their way however they can. Taking risks is a part of that lifestyle. (not that there is anything wrong with that--got to be PC with this stuff).

I personally don't fear the kids that live nearby. However, If I had the jump on a crook in the dark I would come down hard and cause serious mayhem on them just because I don't have time to interview them about their background and history.

I also agree that the person that lost blood trying to take a cooler likely only gained anger or frustration from it and will change his game plan to fit.
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I'm torn by this situation, although I don't condone this individuals actions I too have little empathy for thieves. I too have been a victim on multiple occasions of burglary of my home and garage. I got dogs for protection of my property.
Being violated brings up natural basic instincts. This is one of the things the perps chose to risk dealing with.
The blades seem a bit extreme....but.....dont f*ck with something thats not yours and that wont happen......simple!
Here is a guy stealing a security camera.:realcrazy: What do they sell for??
Lets just say "I have a colorful past". I was that kid who stole the cooler. I went on to steal stereos. From there it escalated into buildings and then homes. Fortunately, I got caught and went to jail. Now, I am not proud of that part of my past, but I don't deny it either. I have accepted my mistakes and openly admit my wrong doing. My children were raised knowing my mistakes as soon as they were old enough to understand. Now if you think the "kid down the street" gives a **** about you or your stuff, you are being a little too optimistic. Those who steal, steal. From family, friends, neighbors and anyone who leaves a tempting situation out there. Part of the game is the thrill. Half the **** we stole got tossed away! Now, if I had gotten my fingers sliced on the first cooler I stole, I can't say whether it would have changed me or not. Most likely, I would have just been more careful next time.
Traps may be illegal, but so is theft. The key to preventing it, that I can say from experience, is lock your stuff up. Don't advertise your well being. This absolutely will not stop all theft, but it will deter a bit. Many of these people today are far worse than I was back then. I was doing things for entertainment. I wouldn't risk too much. These folks are often desperate and drugged out. Risk is not considered in any of their actions. Do they deserve razor blades and shotguns? I can't truly give a solid opinion on that. Obviously death is a pretty harsh judgement. But do you deserve to wake up to someone in your bedroom? I can answer that one with extreme prejudice.
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I lived in Singapore in the seventies, if someone was caught stealing, they lost a finger. The second time, they lost a hand, so what’s wrong with cut up fingers?

Remember the Americans in Singapore who thought it was funny to paint cars. They were whipped.
I'm torn by this situation, although I don't condone this individuals actions I too have little empathy for thieves. I too have been a victim on multiple occasions of burglary of my home and garage. I got dogs for protection of my property.

If you steal from my garage even if I'm home yea I'm not going to risk my life or try to take someone's life. Garage is detached from the house. If I'm home and hear you I'm going to do my best to scare the thief away. I will be beyond pissed and angry but I will not put myself or a family members at risk for my tools. As for my house, yes I have dogs and they are very alert with everything inside and out but at that point they have completed their job by alerting us.
If you enter my house unwelcome you will be dealt with by deadly force. I will not ask you to leave! My belongings are just that, belongings. I am not protetecting belongings I am protecting family members and their lives, there will be no introductions. The thief(s) has made the first move by breaking into my house and I will have no remorse protecting my family.
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I actually got to go with Steve on this subject . It is extremely stupid and Childish to do something like that! If it was a problem take the damn cooler inside! Or lock it up with a bicycle lock .
What if a child was thirsty and no one was around or someone said get the cooler but ment a different one and this happened!
Yes the easiest thing is if it doesn't belong to you don't freaking touch it but that doesn't work! I had a vise on my truck I bolted it down and welded the nuts on it someone tried to get it after they gave up the beat the hell out of the truck and smashed a window! Would of been cheaper if they just got the vise (but it wasn't my truck it was a company truck so didn't cost me a dime ) but I had a hunch they were coming back for the vise so I wanted with my shot gun in the bed of the truck ! And sure enough here they came a 2 am with a hack saw in there hands I have never seen a black kid cry so much after I blew a round off in the air and then pointed the gun at him ! Guess what after the cops came he had lots of issues on his record s including a felony and a warrant out on him the car he can in was stolen and wait was full of drugs and stolen items from a recent robbery. So these pricks deserve what they get but if there's a chance of hurting the wrong person it's not OK ! A 12 ga does the job . But now I'm in city limits I need to not shoot the gun off or I get a stern talking to! I m ready to go back to the sticks but it is nice having a neighbor hood full of retired military and police ! Not much happens here anymore .

Only a f-ing idiot would rig up something like this trap. What if the moron who set this forgot or somebody in his family/friends grabbed the cooler.
Well, I think this guy has a lack of family and or doesn’t allow them on his boat near his beer.
Basicly, who cares! Are you stealing his beer? No? Then don’t worry about this moron. He good.
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