Well-Known Member
OKApostrophes have been my weak point. I often forget where they are supposed to be placed.
Hey, I can spell well and know how to structure a sentence. I also put all the letters where they go. None of the...
UR....L8R...WY... RU... LOL ....
That stuff annoys me.
Hey I know that one.LS/MFT
Basic Training.You wouldn't have liked the military either Kern...
Starts with BT then AIT to learn your MOS. After that you get shipped somewhere with an APO for your PDS. Your CO and XO welcome you to HHC. Then you get thrown on the DR so you can pull CQ or ACQ depending on rank and TIS. If you are a SGT you are considered an NCO and put in charge of PVTs and SPECs. FTEs you get to eat MREs and shoot LAWs and RPGs if your not stuck on KP. The only thing you look forward to is your ETS date...
Its all fun!Hey....I throw so much crud around, I should be willing to take some.
I'm fine with it. In fact, if someone can REALLY burn me on an insult or a joke, I respect them even more. I like creative minds, it makes people so much more interesting.