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This is sickening....

What a stupid F***. Thinks he has a big set of balls by punching out a woman and then posts it for the whole world to see.
Not sickening . . . more like thoroughly disgusting ! !
How much time do you think he will get for that? Not as much as he should would be my guess....
Its not even about a punishment for the crime at this point, I think it is more about keeping him off the street, today hes punching women out with no remorse, whats next? This kid needs to be shipped to another country, we should give our felons a choice, life in prison, or leave and don't come back, you are no longer a resident of the usa, we will get you as far as cuba, and if you return we drown you in a bucket of bleach...

They emptied their prisons on our shores, time to repay the favor...
I will not even watch it after reading your posts, I too would have caved his head in if I was there. Oxygen Thief .
i would have beat him and the other spleeb to death glad i was not there im form miami and thank god i finaly moved the place is chuck full of these jitterbug scum bags 2 years ago i pulled into a 711 to get a drink when i came out a punk like the one in this video was sitting in a car next to mine and demanded a ciggertte told him i dont smoke he spit on me that was the last thing i rember next thing iknow im home with both hands smashed 3 month later my wife calls me at work and tells me cops are are the house and want to talk to me when i came home they cuffed me for burglary/assult it is on my record and cost me 12 k in lawers fees be careful what you do the usa is sliding into the toilet really fast it brakes my heart
heres the uncut unedited video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBUswU18E4U
looks like the video man, and the kid the throws the punch are with a couple other scum bags, they should all be charged.. And the people around the scene are weird too, the women next to her doesnt try to help her (not even just try to wake her up or call for help, just gets her coffee away from her.. fucked up world we live in
They are all afraid of these animals. Try to do something and YOU wind up in jail on hate crime charges. Just ask Eric Holder.
Maybe . . . if we're lucky . . . Bubba will make him his beotch in prison . . .

Paybacks are hell . . .
I believe the punishment no longer fits the crime. We can't / won't afford to put these criminals in jail long enough to teach them crime doesn't pay. Wait, crime does pay and you don't have to hold down a steady job for it. And jail doesn't teach anything but try harder not to get caught. I was young and stupid once, finally got caught and did 6 months in jail for break and enter. Only took me once, knew better anyway but I was stupid and had no real morals. What I saw there is what changed me though. Most of the inmates had been in and out of some form of rehab since they were 12, old enough to go into detention homes. The system fed them, housed them and kept them warm during the winter. Needless to say that was all I needed, but it sure wasn't the "hard time" that kept me out. Because it wasn't hard. It was a holiday. Punishment needs to be just that again, punishment. These kids all think they will look tougher if they go to court, jail even more so. Well it's time to change their attitude and make them come out of it crying like little babies. They are tough guys so getting beat senseless by a real criminal in open population shouldn't hurt them...they are invincible and above the law! That was a hate / race crime, perhaps he should be put in with white inmates only and see how they treat him. At least for the first part of his sentence. It's really too bad that it is likely his family situation or lack thereof that lead him down the path he is on, but regardless of that, we all know right from wrong and make our own choices. It's time for people to start paying for their actions again.
Crap like this just makes my blood boil. When I was a kid in the 7u0's, NO ONE would ever have anything like this enter their thought process, let alone DO something like this. There is NO respect today from these thugs. None. I am sure that many of you here would have reacted to this with giving this POS the beat down that he so richly deserves. If Physically able, I would have given him one too. Those that are also in this video also deserve a beat down for doing nothing about this.
WTF are you guys talking about with PRISON? You think this mentality doesnt exist in PRISON? Shieet, it is HYPED in there. They get locked up and come out as even bigger heathens and on our DIME! This aint the PRISONS of yester years man. This is the PRISON of cowardly gang bangers, the mexicans and blacks run it and sorry to say there is no pride amongst thiefs anymore. NOBODY is off limits anymore.

Do what I DO. ALWAYS be prepared. Whether out to dinner with your wife, at the park with your kid or getting a cup of JO at 7-11. The ONLY place I let my guard down is at car shows and even then Im ALWAYS packing.

I had a young white couple come into my house and look at my wifes bedrooms set for sale.

I had my german shepherd on his leash with me and open carried my glock the ENTIRE time they were there.

Yea, they didnt buy it but so be it.


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Ibn is a Muslim name...fancy that.
heres the uncut unedited video
looks like the video man, and the kid the throws the punch are with a couple other scum bags, they should all be charged.. And the people around the scene are weird too, the women next to her doesnt try to help her (not even just try to wake her up or call for help, just gets her coffee away from her.. fucked up world we live in

I'm with you on that. No way in hell I could stand there and watch that happen. Even if I couldn't take all 3 of them, I'd sure as hell get my point across and make them think twice before they decide to do something as stupid as that again.

As for no one stepping in, we are creating a society of victims. Something like this would never have happened 10 years ago.
I'm with you on that. No way in hell I could stand there and watch that happen. Even if I couldn't take all 3 of them, I'd sure as hell get my point across and make them think twice before they decide to do something as stupid as that again.

As for no one stepping in, we are creating a society of victims. Something like this would never have happened 10 years ago.

You are right, just a bunnch of on lookers that dont want to get involved, just post about it on twitter or fb later on... I wonder what would have happened if someone drilled him in the forehead with a 45acp mid punch. Protecting an innocent civilian from harm and extinguishing the threat...
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