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This is sickening....

These people have no soul and will burn in hell, until then I say we light a big fire an burn them right here on earth.
I can't imagine the thought process someone goes through to do these things.
These people have no soul and will burn in hell, until then I say we light a big fire an burn them right here on earth.
I can't imagine the thought process someone goes through to do these things.

They are a cancer. You can put a Band-Aid on cancer, and pretend that'll help. Or....you can cut it out and kill it. There are way too many good people on this rock, to allow the evil-**** of society to continue to be a cancer and grow.
They are a cancer. You can put a Band-Aid on cancer, and pretend that'll help. Or....you can cut it out and kill it. There are way too many good people on this rock, to allow the evil-**** of society to continue to be a cancer and grow.

Cant agree more, I think we should only allow productive people to live, line them up and save on bullets, lol...

You should see peoples faces when you say stuff like this though, But they are PC brainwashed, its easy to make it make sense-
Figure we have a bit under 2 million people in jail through out the country, 200K of them are live and 50K of them are non parole.

Kill the 50K right away, now screen through the 200K other lifers to see who is getting reformed and who is getting worse or staying the same, figure 20K of them will be able to be reformed, kill the other 180K. NOW, you will see people start acting a little better, sure some people are just bad, BUT when weeding out the rest the ones who are bad will rise to the top faster to get dealt with...

I always say, these scum bags go and shoot up schools, movie theaters, etc. Why dont they walk into a prison, or shoot a prison bus up? NO they hurt the productive people, ******* scum bags... Someday it will come to a head and the when the shtf and the gummint will run and hide and we can deal with it.. The good thing is we know where to find the first 200K that need to go, and they are already in big groups and unarmed, leave the doors locked, post some guys outside incase any try to scamper out, for target practice and wait till they starve to death...

THEN, you pretty much have about another 65 million that will be trying to take advantage of the state the country is in and try to hurt others, so that will be our individual responsibility to clean up...

Right now 36% of the US population is on assistance, I find it funny that is also about what I pay in taxes every year.... I work, so these people dont have to, and My kids will work so their kids dont have to, and then for our trouble, do they behave and try to better themselves? NO ******* WAY, they walk around punching people in the face for the camera, they steal even more any chance they get. Granted its not everyone one getting a check, some of that 35% is social security (and a small portion of that is earned social security, the rest is drug addicts getting ssi)...

I don't know, I wish I could some good people together and buy a little island, dont be a threat to anyone, just do our own thing, take 30% of the island and have a tourist economy, so we take care of ourselves, and import as little as possible...

A friend of mine bought 600 acres in maine, I was thinking about doing the same thing when my kids are all set and living their own lives..

simple living, make it so no one even knows your there, drill a bunch of wells, geothermal, solar, wind, water power, have a little farm, some green houses, gardens, make living your job...

We went up to my buddies place for the first time last year, its gorgeous, he has s a Bell 222 and a little Bell 47 he uses to hop around the property (I went in it a few times, the 222 is MUCH more "comfortable", but still sick), hes all licensed and learned in the military... BUT he has 580 acres, I am going to install all new geothermal for him next spring, he had $100K of solar system installed (sun chasers on the side of a huge hill), he has underground propane storage, 5k gallons of diesel storage (he wants to double, but has to do it under the radar, lol), the house is well built and comfortable, he has 4 cows (none when we were there), chickens, pigs, and the most important part, geothermal freezers, lol... He is growing corn (feeds the animals mostly), etc.. he just has this perfect life cut out, away from all this crazyness, I am being honest it looks appealing...

When we were there (no cable tv, just satilite and spotty internet at best) we didnt watch the news once, he said if he watches tv its an old movie, we actually watched caddy shack and some old best of snl dvd's... When we got back everone was begging me to tell them how it was and what it was like and show pictures, because we were the only ones invited up since he left our community, and I didn't give thm anything, because some day I may be up there.... this looks really nice from where I sit... and for $500K, figure another 800K to get it perfect and all setup, plus I would need a bell copter so another $500 for that, lol...


Its sad when leaving people behind and going to be by yourself is this attractive, we should want to be surrounnded by others and want to see our community thrive, but instead we are poisoned by corruption and ignorance...
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The fact of the matter is that the punch out game has been around for decades. I've known of ******** doing this back in the 80's. I know that now they have the internet to try and glorify actions like this but at the same time if there wasn't the net for this f***head to post his stupidity on he may very well have never been caught. How many times have stupid people been busted for posting their crimes? Before the net these people probably would have never been busted.
The fact of the matter is that the punch out game has been around for decades. I've known of ******** doing this back in the 80's. I know that now they have the internet to try and glorify actions like this but at the same time if there wasn't the net for this f***head to post his stupidity on he may very well have never been caught. How many times have stupid people been busted for posting their crimes? Before the net these people probably would have never been busted.

I never heard of a punch out game where you hit women and people just minding their own business, gladly I missed that part of growing up, I guess I was too busy being a good guy, working 2 jobs, and supporting my family... I know my younger brothers went through their "tough" guy phase, we came from a family of boxers, they are twins so 2 of them (can be dangerous, they always had a partner in crime, lol), and they didnt start a family young like me so they were "bar hopping and clubbing", and they would brag about getting in fights and knocking this one out, or what ever, BUT if I ever heard them walking up to random people and smashing them, I would have kicked the **** out of them, and now they are mid 20s and I would still flip out of I heard they did something like this, even if it happened 10 years ago..

I hate to say it this way, BUT I WISH someone would do that to me, I may get hit the one time, but someone is getting shot...
http://www.naturalnews.com/043091_knockout_game_concealed_handgun_teenagers.html no doubt in my mind that person would not deserve to be alive, I know some people will say "what if its just some kid and peer pressure" DONT matter, its such a sickening act, you deserve to die for it..
My insurance agent went to jail for 15 years (before he sold insurance, lol) for manslaughter, hes at a bar, words turn into "lets go outside" he follows the guy outside, punches him ONCE, sleeps him and the guy falls to the ground, bonks his melon off a parking stop, and dies.. He was 22 at the time, got out of jail almost 40 years old!!!! People can die from 1 punch, ESPECIALLY not expecting it... NEVER MIND A WOMEN.

I have to stop visiting this thread, i should have never started it, because it pisses me off everytime I look at that video /pic, I want to be alone with this kid SO BAD, I would love to rip the skin off his face and stuff it into his mouth till he chokes.... I would pay to bang on this guy for a few minutes, and put it on the today show, I still train like an animal, every morning at 4-5am, and I can still bang the punching bag for 15 minutes before I start getting dizzy and the pepper starts to really fade, so I just want 10 minutes to smash on this kid, wrap my hands and wrists, shoot him with an epipen so he stays awake and strap him into a swing like a punching bag so I dont have to bend down to hit him after he falls...
"Man" does not seem like the correct word.

Man Arrested after Video of him Punching Homeless Woman Uploaded to Facebook!!
Have him drawn and quartered . Has no place in cicyity, put a parashoot on him and drop it in the middle of the Amazon jungle, what a piece of **** , he's only worthy of being a snack for the critters .better yet **** the shoot.

I'd like to hook up a MSD 7AL to his nuts !!!!!!!

It's OK the boys in the Penn are going to hook him up , they don't take kindly to beating on females
Seventy says..."I think we should allow only productive people to live..."???? He must have read Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf". Scary thinking going on there.
Seventy says..."I think we should allow only productive people to live..."???? He must have read Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf". Scary thinking going on there.

Yup, lets start building the ovens, I have a pile of bricks to donate, and I can build the burners, well use natural gas, its cleaner...

it sounds like you are more familiar with the book than me, since I could only tell you what the cover looks like from seeing it in movies, lol...

I think people should be productive, and anyone the opposite of that is a waste of oxygen, water, time... 2 ways to deal with it, you change and become productive, OR you don't..................................... NOW sure if someone is legitimately unable, that is different, and once someone spent their life being productive, they are also exempt from the ovens, LOL...

AND obviously I am kidding, I would like to harm this guy though. I kow its a sin, and I battle with it, BUT i wouldn't mind putting his face out like a cigarette on the sidewalk... NOT may things bring that side of me out, I hate dishonest, disloyal, slimy douche bags, BUT I absolutely hAtE and LoAtH the existence of people who hurt women, children, innocent people, etc..... I get a lump in my stomach and think bad things, its my demon to deal, BUT I cant stand the thought....
I even at my age would love to have that kid throw that "haymaker" at me like he did that woman. Now to be honest thats only if i saw it coming because if he sly rapped me i could get hurt. But still if he didn't knock me down id want to really punish this kid. The last time i put the gloves and headgear on was a little over 20 years ago but i stll think i got enough left to do what needed to be done. If i was hanging out with "seventy" id just step to the side and call for the paramedics,,,after maybe a few minutes.
It's a shame man, Here's another reason to change our thinking. Judge - That's you correct? answer, yes. Judge, guilty, Cut His Arm Off. Seems to work in other countries. Piss on this going to trial and bothering me with having to attend jury duty for this piss ant. Sorry, it's just sad that an innocent person gets hurt.
Yup, lets start building the ovens, I have a pile of bricks to donate, and I can build the burners, well use natural gas, its cleaner...

it sounds like you are more familiar with the book than me, since I could only tell you what the cover looks like from seeing it in movies, lol...

I think people should be productive, and anyone the opposite of that is a waste of oxygen, water, time... 2 ways to deal with it, you change and become productive, OR you don't..................................... NOW sure if someone is legitimately unable, that is different, and once someone spent their life being productive, they are also exempt from the ovens, LOL...

AND obviously I am kidding, I would like to harm this guy though. I kow its a sin, and I battle with it, BUT i wouldn't mind putting his face out like a cigarette on the sidewalk... NOT may things bring that side of me out, I hate dishonest, disloyal, slimy douche bags, BUT I absolutely hAtE and LoAtH the existence of people who hurt women, children, innocent people, etc..... I get a lump in my stomach and think bad things, its my demon to deal, BUT I cant stand the thought....

I haven't read Mein Kampf, but I have read books about the causes of WWII and why the Holocaust happened. I understand your sentiment that able-bodied people should work or contribute to society in some way. My questions to you are 1) how do you define "productive" and 2) who gets to decide who's "productive" and who's not?
My questions to you are 1) how do you define "productive" and 2) who gets to decide who's "productive" and who's not?

I'll do it, lol...

I was taught that you can toss out all the rules and all the religion if you live by....

"do unto others" and "leave it better than when you arrived"

SO do until others will stop you from hurting other people because we dont' want to be hurt, in any way...

AND leaving it better than when you arrived would keep you from hurting anything...

Just be a good guy--- Heres a story for you guys, this just happened, probably doesnt have anything to do with this topic, but I want to share it...
I stopped in the market after church and the girl working the register has a **** sandwich face on, just miserable looking. So I said "its too early on a Sunday to already be in a bad mood" she says "If you knew the night I had", so the place is a desert (is there 2 ss's in desert, or is that dessert, I get them two confused?) and I said "tell me about it" now I see this young girl all the time, she told me the story, her brother borrowed her car last night and ran over something and broke the car, got arrested for DUI, etc etc etc , it did sound like a bad night...

SO I asked "when you let him borrow the bar did you know he was going to be drinking" she said "I guess", I said "well you kind of have the punishment for your part in it then, at least no one was hurt and you got your punishment out of the way, your brother is going to be paying for a while"... She smiled and said "so I should be mad at myself instead of him", I said "you should be disappointed in yourself and learn from the mistake, and you SHOULD be mad at him", she laughed and I grabbed my bags and walked away...

My wife was shaking her head and said, "why don't you ever mind your own business", I said "cause Im bored" But I left there thinking "what can I do to help her" because I feel bad for her, I know she has a son (toddler age), not sure about the specifics if the father is around or what, but I see her working all the time, I feel bad for her...

SO that reminds me I am a good guy, I can feel bad for people, where a bad guy would say, that girl is miserable screw her...

So...he goes to jail and gets a couple days at a family reunion!
The POS needs some hot lead in his ear!
High-speed lead poisoning. Works every time.
"Man" does not seem like the correct word.

Man Arrested after Video of him Punching Homeless Woman Uploaded to Facebook!!

Yeah, plain ol' Punk or Thug would be better
Obama's son, Criminal Inner-city dweller, Affirmative action recipient,
A Participation Trophy generation abuser, future lifer liberal prison dweller,
IMO those would be more descriptive/accurate assessments...
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