I used the Packard 56 style connectors. Originals are 58, but harder to come by, and I like the 56 style better anyway. The 58 socket uses the rolled over edge that pushed down on each side of the mail terminal. The 56 socket has the front part folded over to push up on the terminal.
This is some good pictures: The 58 is halfway down the page.
I didn't need a bunch (could have bulk ordered (300+ quantity) from an electrical supply store like Mouser to save maybe a dime each), so I just got them off Amazon.
The store/brand is Clipsandfastners Inc. The terminals are tin plated and I think original spec thickness metal. Be careful of some of the cheap ones that use a thinner metal, they don't hold a crimp.
Looked it up:
$15 / per 25 connectors.