Well-Known Member
Was on my way to the alignment shop yesterday and the engine was running better than ever in the cool weather. So, I turned onto the highway, yanked the column shift down into 1 and let 'er rip. Shifted into 2 at 6grand and the car was really moving. When I went into 'drive' though, the motor revved to the moon almost like it was in neutral! I quickly let of the gas and looked at the tach needle as it wooshed by the 6500 mark. It could have been on the edge of 7k for all I know, yikes. Luckily nothing was broke, spun, or bent (as far as i know) and the transmission worked normally afterward.
So, what the heck happened here? Is the trans at it's limit of what it can hold? Why would hold fine in 1 and 2 but not 'drive'?
So, what the heck happened here? Is the trans at it's limit of what it can hold? Why would hold fine in 1 and 2 but not 'drive'?