Well-Known Member
We already had the mancini 1.6 rockers so we tried them on the trick flows and they fit as good as they would on any bb oem head IMHO. The push rods are nearly 1 inch longer then oem heads. Ours TF240s are on a 440 w a.670 lift solid roller, they fit wo any modifications. It is tight on the pushrod but clears. That beings said most the bb mopar heads could have a better sweep pattern (like said look up b3 racing engines). We are running it the way it is. It would be interesting to compare the mancini rockers we have to the harlan sharps made for the TrickFlows. My thought is in a max effort the special HS rockers would be better. The good thing about the mancini's is there is no needle bearings and from what I have seen Harlan sharp rates them the same as there own brand of rockers w needle bearings 1200ft-lbs. Big time overkill for the op. The mancini's rockers go on sale occasionally, very good value for what they are. We certainly are not the only one running mancini rockers on TF heads. I did a bit of research before we tried it.
The TF240s impressed me on our flow bench at the lower lifts. I think it's going to be a stronger performer over any of the other heads available with a smallish cam. But that's just my instinct. Nothing to back it up.
The TF240s impressed me on our flow bench at the lower lifts. I think it's going to be a stronger performer over any of the other heads available with a smallish cam. But that's just my instinct. Nothing to back it up.