It's not my thing at all...
I won't judge either...
Do what ever blows your skirt up, makes you happy,
it's not my car...
I'm not a big show guy, I only attend a few & that's rarely anymore...
I really never liked being judged, I could care less what others think
"of my car", but I did enter a few of my racecars when 1st built,
a couple of times, mainly for my sponsors exposure, they get off on it...
Actually won a couple nice trophies, I gave them to kids in wheelchairs,
or my sponsors if they wanted them, made their days & that made me happy...
As to all the trophies being displayed at ever little show etc.
I kind of think it's like, saying to the judges or other people,
Look at all my trophies, I've won before at all the other show
all those people/judges, that gave them to me, shouldn't you too"
Nothing wrong with showing off a win, but it gets a bit old too...
Now if it was the Riddler Award or Great 8,
maybe hoity toidy stuff a Pebble Beach or Amilia Island de' Elegance,
than yes I'd probably display it/them...
all them cheap *** plastic {Bowling

}trophies should stay at home...