Well, it's on the car. Finished up last night. Sounds nice. Not loud at all. i have a few pics of what UPS delivered and how well it's packaged. I don't have any pics of the install, as my friend who would have helped, thew his back out earlier in the week and is still laid up. I told his wife to stop with all of that kinky stuff.
A couple tips on the install. TTI says start at the rear and work forward, do that.
First thing, lay your exhaust out on the floor and check each connection where they slip together. The lead pipes should slide into the H pipes about 3".
The H pipes should slide into the mufflers about 3".
The tail pipes should slide into the rear of the mufflers nice and easy.
One of my lead pipes wouldn't go into the H pipe, so I had to take them to a muffler shop and have the H pipe opened up just a hair.
Now everything slid together very easy.
I put marks at 2" 2.5" and 3" on the pipes being slid into the other pipes
Now the install., so I would know how far they were in.
Hang the tail pipes and mufflers.
Then if using factory manifolds as I was, bolt up your lead pipes.
Next, you will probably have to cut some length off of the H pipes.
Hold the H pipe, for the side you are hanging, up against the lead pipe, and then make a mark at the muffler end where you will make the cut.
Do this for the other side.
Take your lead pipes off of the manifolds.
After you make your cuts, slide both H pipes into the mufflers. then slide your
lead pipes into the H pipes snd then bolt them back up to the manifolds.
Everything is still loose, so make your adjustments, get the tailpipes straight, your mufflers level, and then start to tighten everything up.
I did this by myself with the car on jackstands. The pics in the earlier post shows what it will look like under the car, except I wasn't using headers.
Everythin fit, all hardware was included.
The best $600 ($690 with shipping) I have spent on the car.
Here are a couple pics of the package.
Daryl (cwmoss)