Anyone else have trouble with them? I'm starting to doubt their customer service.....So.....I ordered full exhaust for 68 coronet early February (headers to tips). EVERYTHING was in stock they just had to send the headers out for coating because I wanted them in black, that would take 4-6 Fridays ago I was told they would be shipping out to me and they already recieved the headers back from the coating place. I called last week and was tole their shipping dept was behind and to call back to follow up on Monday...well I was busy and kept forgetting until yesterday (Thursday)....I called and the lady forwarded my info to their shipping guy..he calls me back and says now the tail pipes are on backorder! What! I told him I already paid for it all and was just waiting on the headers to get back to them which did 3 weeks ago....he says that they can't hold parts while waiting on the coaters, that sounds like a load of **** to me. Bit they won't ship out peices individually while waiting on the coating people because of shipping prices, cheaper to ship everything at one time which I totally get. So i bought parts and they sold them to someone else while waiting on my headers to get back. I'm so pissed, and the guy on the phone was giving me attitude explaining their company policy and how they have no room to hold parts......