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UFOs or UAPs are real


FBBO Gold Member
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
5:28 AM
Nov 14, 2011
Reaction score
NW Ohio
Sometimes these balloons are not detected as to it's small size. As far as UFOs/UAP's these have been documented and until recently denied their existence by the government until last year. We are being visited by unknown aliens from unknown locations. The Air Force and the Navy both have reported the encounters. You can find information on these encounters here on YT. Open your mind it's happening.
You can figure it out, or at least take a very good guess.
Who knows what happened in Roswell
in 1947. Thru the course of time the
government has changed this
incidents' story three times.
Why would they do that except to try
and cover up what really happened.
And it may have nothing to do with
aliens from another world, but
to cover a major blunder made by
our own military.
I used to be pretty big on the alien thing. Now, I find most of it amusing. Is there life in the universe?...sure. Is it coming here? I wouldn't. We exhausted a lot of resources that would be of probable use. The only things that may be a resource to aliens...would be our atmosphere [we'd have to go] and a possible food source...again, us. Technology/aliens as assumed to be visiting us, would only come here for bad reasons.
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It seems that the pressure is building ever since the Pentagon confirmed the 3 UAP videos as being real, and although they have been trying to backtrack after that, more and more and more credible information is leaking out.
Now with the wistleblower protection maybe people are starting to speak out.

Mainstream media is just a joke as far as this topic goes, chinese balloons, ridicule, the same old b.s...

Last week this scientist who was involved in government research made an interesting statement:

It seems that the pressure is building ever since the Pentagon confirmed the 3 UAP videos as being real, and although they have been trying to backtrack after that, more and more and more credible information is leaking out.
Now with the wistleblower protection maybe people are starting to speak out.

Mainstream media is just a joke as far as this topic goes, chinese balloons, ridicule, the same old b.s...

Last week this scientist who was involved in government research made an interesting statement:


Now I know what it's like to listen to a bunch of Pacific Islander shaman discuss the spiritual aspects of the airplane. Somehow UFO discussions always turn into New Age religion.

If you see dead people, perhaps go to "hallucinations" before "the UFO gave me mystical powers".
Thanks a lot.

I see dead people all the time.

Brain dead people.
Here is my bonehead simple, entirely naturalistic explanation for how the aliens can a) look like us b) be here without intending to come here at all c) arrive without using technology d) have a reason to come to Earth ((this part they would need technology for)) e) leave extensive records of themselves d) leave visible evidence of themselves in humanity.

All they needed to do was evolve on one of these -


(specifically in the ocean under the ice sheet)

and be in orbit of one of these -


- when the gravity of a passing rogue star kicked it out of its original solar system, to drift in interstellar space until our star captured it.


It's just nature, but what are the odds that it actually happened that way?

This may just be a coincidence -



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We are not, and never have been, visited by extraterrestrial aliens. If, and that's a huge IF, they had the vast technology to travel interstellar space, they 1) wouldn't play hide-and-seek games, 2) be inept enough to get "caught", and 3) with the thousands of "sightings" by everyone's brother, cousin, and uncle, not ONE verified, substantiated evidence has been presented (except the government... really ??? ) . Nope, there ain't no Clark Kent, and the vulcans are still on the planet vulcan. It's fun to think so, after all... I'm a Klingon !
We are not, and never have been, visited by extraterrestrial aliens. If, and that's a huge IF, they had the vast technology to travel interstellar space, they 1) wouldn't play hide-and-seek games, 2) be inept enough to get "caught", and 3) with the thousands of "sightings" by everyone's brother, cousin, and uncle, not ONE verified, substantiated evidence has been presented (except the government... really ??? ) . Nope, there ain't no Clark Kent, and the vulcans are still on the planet vulcan. It's fun to think so, after all... I'm a Klingon !

No technology is needed to cross interstellar space. Even a rock can do it. Technology is only needed to travel across interstellar space and return in an amount of time short enough to be acceptable to a human with an average life span of 72 years. Change any of those requirements, and there is no need for "warp drive."

The guy who invented the gravity slingshot maneuver that most of our space probes use, proposed a bussard ramscoop interstellar ship that could take a human across the entire known universe in their lifetime using time dilation effects at near light speed. This is something we could build soon, but it won't bring anyone home within twenty years of time as experienced here on Earth. Who would want such a thing? Well, let's say you were a group of religious zealots who never never ever wanted to be bothered by people outside of your religion again. That ship would be a godsend, provided no one invented warp drive later on.

I'm glad adrenochrome is just a conspiracy theory. We'd only be valuable as hamburgers, not drugs; and cows make better hamburgers. I think. I haven't tried any of the cannibal burgers cloned from celebrity tissue samples though. Maybe Kanye does make a better hamburger?
I have not seen any evidence that supports other beings from other worlds. But exploring the vastness of the universe does suggest that it's certainly possible. And I'm sure that science will find microbial evidence of life outside Earth's shield. But that's still a far cry from other sanctioning beings. As far as other beings visiting our world? The first question is why? If they are very similar carbon based lifeforms. With simular DNA coding and structure? Our world would be very toxic to them. As there's would be to us. No natural defenses from the different environments. If they are of different construction? And highly advanced? We may just appear to be simple carbon base chemistry of little interests. Where no interaction possible. Or even desired.

We would likely be better off not ever engaging an alien intelligence. It's certainly possible that we could be destroyed by just being in their wake of universal travel and exploration. With them not noticing or caring. If let's say hundred of thousands or millions of years more advanced.

Goatmeal Cookies

2 years ago

My father, long time cattleman in the southwest, had it happen to one older cow. No, the blood did not settle. It was not pressent. Cuts were straight. Udder, tongue, and some internal organs missing. No flies. Mid spring. Cow had been seen alive and well 15 hrs prior to discovery. No footprints tracks or dragmarks. Black helicopter sited over the property after the report Local sheriff took a couple days to investigate the acene, by which time coyotes and insects had mangled the animal. Dad was more weirded out by the helicopter than by the other details, i think.

Of course UFOs are real. If they weren't real nobody would have seen them and identified them as UFOs!
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