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Uninsured Drivers Get Automatic Ticket in Oklahoma

As I call it, "legalized extortion!"

What are you smoking? Not when I lived there, you can't even get a "real" ID that shows your a US citizen. Then when I moved they upped my plate renewal $45 to a fee of $165 on a 25 year old vehicle, WTF? Then they want to stick me with a $85 penalty for not renewing after I moved, **** them! Your more fucked up in that state and should be more then ashamed to live there!

FYI, 69a100, California got way better once you moved out. You know what they say, "If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, escape to Nevada". For a while there I thought you were becoming more tolerant; Guess not...
Both already exist here in Oklahoma. We still rank highest in the nation at 26% uninsured motorists.

I don't understand how anyone could be driving uninsured in their own car that they bought the tag for showing the insurance verification in their own name to obtain the tag that a scanner is going to read.
In Oklahoma when you pay for insurance by the month you get a card that shows a 6 month policy. You pay for 1 month and presto you get your tag.
Oh by the way illegal citizens in California get drivers license as fucked up as that is it’s true like it or not

That's one reason I'm gone, why should I or YOU for that matter have to pay for the states ineptness and usurping the Constitution of both the State and Country? But you stay there if that's what makes your happy.

FYI, 69a100, California got way better once you moved out. You know what they say, "If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, escape to Nevada". For a while there I thought you were becoming more tolerant; Guess not...

Your are really a legend in your own mind aren't you Dave? I know of at least 15 other people that have had it with that state and are looking to leave by next summer. And that's just me, it doesn't include those people that have friends that are looking at doing the same! I'll never become more tolerant of that state, why the F should I? And now only slam baster it even more thanks to you. Enjoy your shithole you live in!
Yep it's a healthy fine/ticket here too...
Our registration is pricey too, so is insurance
it's a deal if you want to drive, well than you have to pay...

If you can't afford it maybe you shouldn't be here or be driving...

This isn't directed at the org. poster...

Some people will bitch & moan, run away no matter what it is,
some people will never be happy {or poor, on welfare, you name it}
& always blame everything on somewhere, someone or something else,
that's really the sad part...

Driving isn't a right it's a privilege, now it seems
because of a select few that can't afford to register
or insure their own cars, have forced govt. to make it mandatory
for everyone now to show & prove they are insured...

I'm pretty sure every state has a
mandatory insurance laws now too...
I'm pretty sure the seatbelt laws is
nation wide too...

& Yes IMHFO Insurance is basically legal extortion,
but IMO no different than Chicago or NY mobsters,
Protection rackets...

It's a necessity thou...
Don't like it, than don't own a car & don't drive, can't afford it, well then
be like all the rest of the cesspool scum & ride public mass transit/buses....

It's the politicians that get greased/bribes/campaign donations
all by globalists insurance lobbyists !!
& then they create laws, regulations to fleece the general public,
in regulatory services & fees...
Brainwashed, clueless, blind followers still put these idiots in office...
Than the same people on the govt. dole bitch & moan about
all of the costs of living {especially here}...
I don't blame the people, other than a clueless majority masses,
a few idiots that think it's always the grass is greener somewhere else !!
& mainly Inner-shitty Masses !!
All because their choices for them lame tax & spend politicians
voting selections, then them same "poor folks", or transients/transplants
all just whine, bitch & moan about costs of such things,
their own or the opposing party politician did, all while they are
living off welfare/food-stamps/section-8 or govt. subsidies &/or a friend/s
or the govt. teat, seemingly that blame everyone & everywhere else,
for their own failures & inequities, they need to look in the proverbial mirror...

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In Maryland, if you let your insurance lapse more than 24 hrs you're getting a hefty fine. Then they add a daily fine for everyday after that. You can let your insurance lapse one day and have it reinstated but when you go to renew your tags the fine will be there and it has to be paid before they will renew.

Pa must be the same as my friends son let his insurance cancel and he received a letter to turn in his tags. The police know whether your insurance is current in both states also. The insurance companies are tied into the DMV's data base!
This isn't directed at the org. poster...

Being the OP, I don't see how I might've been offended by that. I have always insured my vehicles and maintained my license since 1976. I believe insurance is a necessary part of life. Expensive, but necessary.
Such BULLFUCKINGSHIT to be mandated to support an industry of bottom feeding scavengers.
That's one reason I'm gone, why should I or YOU for that matter have to pay for the states ineptness and usurping the Constitution of both the State and Country? But you stay there if that's what makes your happy.

Yes sir I’m happy where ever I go!! & regarding usurping of our Constitution unfortunately its being attacked in every state, you can ran Bud but you cant hide !! this kid ain't running, you'll find fault in everything where ever you go
My problem with insurance is about 75% of the premium has nothing to do with your car. It's for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. PIP was created because of all the lawsuits stemming from injuries supposedly sustained in accidents were flooding the court system, so PIP was created to end that. Without PIP, most insurance premiums would be 25-30% of what they are now and more people would be insured.

In Florida, when PIP was passed, it ended lawsuits. That was the deal. If you had PIP, no one could sue you for any injuries they got in an accident. Needless to say, this didn't sit well with the lawyers, and over the years they kept whittling away at the law to the point where now we're paying sky high PIP rates AND we can be sued, which defeats the whole purpose of PIP. Back in 2006 or so, PIP was supposed to sundown here in FL, and of course the lawyers pushed a new PIP law through so they could keep getting their cuts of PIP payouts.
They ripped out the majority here because they were not profitable.....The profitable cameras are still active...They owned and operated by a vendor whom the city has to pay for...
I get SO tired of hearing people whine about cameras. "They're just revenue makers!" Who gives a damn if they are as long as they're making people think before doing something incredibly dangerous or stupid?

Case in point... I was going to work last week. I come up to a camera intersection to make a left turn, and the light goes yellow. The car ahead of me can't proceed into the intersection and turn left because the car ahead of them hasn't finished their turn, so this asshole whips to the right and into the Eastbound through lane and comes a hair from hitting another driver who's in that lane, then they gun their engine and go through the red light after the Northbound through traffic starts moving, forcing them to slam on their brakes. Any why did he almost cause three accidents? Because he thought his business was so frigging important he couldn't wait 45 seconds for the next green.

I saw the double flashes from the camera as he went through the intersection, so I knew the system had picked him up and he would soon be getting a $164 bill for his decision that his needs are more important than anyone else on the road. I don't care if the county gets that money, or the camera company, or Santa Claus. I only care who's paying it, which in this case is an asshole who could well of caused me to hit him because of his negligence, and I for one was damned glad that camera was there to catch him doing it.
Most of you probably haven't noticed,on a CMV scale there is a whole bank of camera's pointed at the trucks as they enter. 1 reads the tag 1 reads DOT number 1 looks at the driver and 2 that are heat sensors that measure wheel temps.
I get SO tired of hearing people whine about cameras. "They're just revenue makers!" Who gives a damn if they are as long as they're making people think before doing something incredibly dangerous or stupid?

Case in point... I was going to work last week. I come up to a camera intersection to make a left turn, and the light goes yellow. The car ahead of me can't proceed into the intersection and turn left because the car ahead of them hasn't finished their turn, so this asshole whips to the right and into the Eastbound through lane and comes a hair from hitting another driver who's in that lane, then they gun their engine and go through the red light after the Northbound through traffic starts moving, forcing them to slam on their brakes. Any why did he almost cause three accidents? Because he thought his business was so frigging important he couldn't wait 45 seconds for the next green.

I saw the double flashes from the camera as he went through the intersection, so I knew the system had picked him up and he would soon be getting a $164 bill for his decision that his needs are more important than anyone else on the road. I don't care if the county gets that money, or the camera company, or Santa Claus. I only care who's paying it, which in this case is an asshole who could well of caused me to hit him because of his negligence, and I for one was damned glad that camera was there to catch him doing it.
I get so tired of your LONG WINDED "you think you know it all posts"

Where is the He## did I "whine" in my post as you say in your wall of text nonsense.....I really do not care about the cameras nor have I ever paid for a ticket. If you had half the sense to read my post they removed them because the CITY was LOSING MONEY because the people followed the LAW....
It's not the state of Oklahoma, it's the company that is selling the equipment to do it. They are dangling cash in front of the state, so in the end they get 46% of the money. Your law makers can't help themselves from spending money like it grows on trees because they didn't have to earn it with there own hands. You could vote them out, but the new elected official will be the same. Why you ask? Well the laws are already written that they have to pay for certain things. And a big share of them are federally mandated. So they have to make a new law that says we are going to get the scanners to do this and collect 54% of the fines. And soon the company that built the scanners will visit the rest of the states. Who is this company? You can bet they are owned or backed by the insurance companies. They own the world.
I'm glad insurance is required. Unfortunately people can always figure out a way to beat it. My daughter was hit while walking across the street with the light ten years ago. Witnesses said she had the right of way. When she woke up an officer was standing over her, she had been thrown 15'. The driver was a kid, driving his fathers car, with him in the passenger seat. Long story short no insurance, no assets to speak of except a pension that couldn't be touched. No lawyer would take it. Her medical bills at that time were about $ 20,000 and she lost her job. The state took him to court, he had a lawyer (surprise), they offered $2500, she refused they through it out. She still has problems with seizures etc. but the low life I'm sure is living his life with no remorse. Think of the fine example he set for his son. Any of you who think insurance shouldn't be MANDATORY, and a serious violation can kiss my ***! This is the first time I've ever taken this type of stance on here, but there is no defense for this.
I'm glad insurance is required. Unfortunately people can always figure out a way to beat it. My daughter was hit while walking across the street with the light ten years ago. Witnesses said she had the right of way. When she woke up an officer was standing over her, she had been thrown 15'. The driver was a kid, driving his fathers car, with him in the passenger seat. Long story short no insurance, no assets to speak of except a pension that couldn't be touched. No lawyer would take it. Her medical bills at that time were about $ 20,000 and she lost her job. The state took him to court, he had a lawyer (surprise), they offered $2500, she refused they through it out. She still has problems with seizures etc. but the low life I'm sure is living his life with no remorse. Think of the fine example he set for his son. Any of you who think insurance shouldn't be MANDATORY, and a serious violation can kiss my ***! This is the first time I've ever taken this type of stance on here, but there is no defense for this.
Sorry to hear about your daughter I do wish her the best. She is very lucky to have survived. Crap like this infuriates me to hear about but thanks for sharing...

At the high cost to property loss and medical costs...I agree with you....So you are not alone on this topic....
I couldn’t agree with you more !! Insurance IMO is a F’n scam
You might feel that way untill you get hit by an UNinsured motorist or you hit someone and have no insurance.
Here in one of the highest taxed places of Long Island,many of the highway patrol car cars have 2 plate readers on the car.These plate readers cab read something crazy like 1000 plates per second.If you lapse your insurance,DMV puts in in their computer the the readers are scanning from.When you don't take care of the lapse the registrants licence gets suspended along with the plates.When the cop car reads your suspension you get pulled over.If your polite,they take the plate off the car,and call for a tow and you can take the car where you please,,,,off a public highway.If your an asshole they impound the car,it your a BIG asshole they impound you too!!
And yes,,,I am on the local PD tow list and benefit from the tow.That brings on a whole 'nuther list of adventures!:lol:

4.10.12 018.jpg
WI was one of the states to get to the table late on requiring auto insurance and remember three friends who were fucked when the other driver at fault didn't have insurance and jack **** to go after to get some reimbursement. And on our policies we paid more for "uninsured motorist" coverage! In effect those of us having insurance were paying more for the shitheads who didn't have it. Always pissed me off.
Proof of Insurance is required at all traffic-stops in Michigan. No proof...ticket.
Here in N.Y. as well, but....
NYS. No insurance, automatic fine. drivers license will be suspended. Until laps of insurance is pay...
In New York, you need to show a current Ins. card to get plates. Dropping the Ins. Or allowing it to lapse as the insurance company automatically sending the states DMV a notice that you have no insurance.

DMV send you a notice of the lapse and a short time frame to correct it. I think it is 10 days. To ether get insurance or turn in the plates. Failure to do one of the things, reinsure or turn in the plates will start fines. I forget what the fine is but it is daily. So even if it a Poultry $3 a day, it is by the number of days without insurance or returning the plates. That fine needs to be paid before you attempt to do anything else with a car.

If things were worse here, the fines and penalties would reflect it. Fines for no insurance IIRC, are $1K per ticket issued. This can add up to a bit of a pile of cash if you let it go. And a heck of a mound if you get multiple no insurance tickets. Jail could be a stop.
Here if insurance lapses You just non-op the vehicle, no having to surrender plates.
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