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my phone is in the shop.... I think
no food, but currently drinking coffee from my favorite mug
What the hell is sleep? I'm just trying to shake off the groggies after my 7 midnight shifts. Rotating shifts suck & I have been doing it for over 35 years. It takes 3 to 4 nights before I can actually sleep at night without waking up half of the time. I love stories from "real people" about what normal used to be as I actually did have a "real" job of 7 to 3 with weekends & holidays off for 11 years and damn, I can almost recall being happy, healthy and a part of the living. That was 23 years ago now and it was like heaven. I know some other folks on here who do this **** too and most of us hate it. It pays the bills & that's all it does. I wrote a poem about it last year and posted it here somewhere. Sorry to blemish this thread; if I was cognizant I wouldn't have posted it! For those "real" folks out there; relish what you have and never take it for granted! God Bless normalcy! May your way be pleasant!My sleeping habits are horrible… up late up early that depends on the which day!! Some nights I get 2-3 hours other nights 8 straight… I had chronic lymes really bad a few years ago and ever since I have had bouts with insomnia.
36 years of construction where I had to be up as early as 3:30 meant early bedtimes for work.
This was in direct opposition to my natural body clock that wants to stay awake until well past midnight and sleep until 10:00 AM.
It was like I was going against the grain for all those years, a guy eating vegan when I wanted steak, chicken and pork to eat.
Weekends, I was always up late.
During layoffs, same thing. Now that I'm retired, if I'm in bed before 1:00 AM, it is ONLY because I have to be up early so I force myself to conk out earlier.
Friends know to NOT expect me to answer the phone before 10:00 AM.
I hear other guys talk about how they slept in until 7:00 and I make this face....
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90% of the men I know have sleep habits opposite of me. SOME (Even retired FBBO members) I see clicking a LIKE on something of mine at 2:00 AM my time, which is 5:00 east coast time. I haven't been up at 5:00 since my sleep patterns were disrupted when I fell from my roof in June.
When I was between wives, I spent time at night clubs and was often up until almost sunrise on weekends trying to work some chick I met at the bar, sometimes with total failure...(Not always though)
It has shifted a bit. I used to go to bed before her. I was in bed sometimes as early as 8:30 or as late as 10:00. She had an easygoing boss that didn’t think he had to set the world on fire.When does your wife go to bed?
Yes sir, that is correct, and rotating! It has been worse. I got divorced in 1995 which screwed me forever! This past year, (I work at a hospital in the boiler room), we had a fellow guy who was 82 years old & couldn't afford to retire because of his 4 divorces & his diabetic meds cost him more than he could afford. On one day, when he was on alone on the day shift with his cognitive issues, he had to not only answer the maintenance phone on top of ours as our boss was on vacation as well, but also had to interface with contractors taking down our fire systems & shutting off other systems as well as operating all the other stuff we control which is damn near everything. Well, the poor old guy got confused due to multitasking to the 4th level & screwed up something. (We have only one per diem guy who is divorced with 3 little kids and works full time on another job), so not available often. Well, when the upper a-holes found out his true age, they threw him out on his *** the next day! That left us short handed causing us 3 guys to work 10 & 11 days/night straight with 12 hours & short swings thrown in on top of it for 3 months. At that point, I was ready to OD on drugs & lay down on a gurney by the morgue, (always right next to the boiler room), and let myself expire! I was & am to the point where if I got sick, I am considering going down the street to the veterinary hospital and putting it in the news paper because I can't trust the S.O.B.s I work for! Well, long story short, finally back to regular 7 days in a row, (no overtime) with one weekend off a month. Thirty five years of this **** with no end in site! Don't feel sorry, I made my own bed & I have to lie in it. After the 7 midnights, it takes me 3 to 4 days to be able to sleep again at night! Oh well, it's a living, although not much of one. By the way, I can't shut off the phone during the day when sleeping for a midnight shift, as I could be called in early to split a shift due to emergency. The telemarketers just love to interrupt people who are half in the bag to try to trick us in to some bullshit. Also, my son who is classified & may need me for something, needs to be able to reach me. My cell phone must be on also. Sooooo, on top of sleep deprivation & senility, please excuse my lack of ability to comprehend stuff which ordinarily wouldn't be as confusing to an old goat under normal circumstances; thank you!am I understanding correctly that you're working graveyard shifts at age 71? If so that's amazing to me.
I have to have a certain amount of caffeine, or I get headaches. I guess I'm an addict.I apologize for whining. I have always said that sleep is my favorite sport! And if I overindulge occasionally, it is my internal clock preparing for the "Big Sleep", lol. I don't know if anyone else has this condition that I have which is that I am completely immune to caffeine! I can drink 3 cups of coffee & take no-doze & still nod right off. It has happened many times over the years. I have been accused of partying all night while attending required training classes. It was embarrassing in front of an entire class. I did however, eventually get tested for it at a sleep center which confirmed that I have a condition somewhat like narcolepsy which I had to fight for years and still do. I was put on Ritalin for years which "really" helped. It was like being reborn! Speaking of which, I have a theory, or maybe a brain fart, that a persons awake state may be influenced from the time you were born, at least for some of us. I was born approximately 11 am, so it seems that even when overtired, it seems to lessen a tad approaching noon. Unfortunately, trying to sleep at night again after 7 midnight shifts causes problems trying to sleep at night. Sooooo, I have sleeping pills to use occasionally. The thing is, that when I had that lovely 7 to 3 job for 11 years, I didn't really need anything. That said, I am sorry to sort of hijack this thread Mark!