Try doing that almost every weekend, or between every round,
maybe not that bad always, but tearing stuff apart
checking bearing, rings, pistons, valves etc.
& getting ready for the next race, pull the valve covers,
checking springs & running your valves
& checking compression or more so a leak down testing does really help
to catch some stuff before it's catastrophic...
I figure your on-top of most this stuff regularly
Some people never check anything & some people get really lucky

& get away with not checking too...
I figure in racing I made my own luck,
don't take or leave anything for chance or chalk it up to luck...
I'm the type that wants to "better to know now, than not know",
better to be safe than sorry...
I work hard of my $$$, I'm sure you do too,
I hated replacing hard parts mid or even late season,
maybe you need to start a regular procedure,
checks to stave off such things....
If your not doing so already, if so, score that one up to racing is racing,
parts is parts & **** happens !!,
how long do you want to go fast ?,
how much do you want to spend ?
spend a little now or spend a whole bunch more of it later !!
Go get em' Bobby, good luck, I hope you go rounds