Interestingly enough, I had the driver's front wheel ready to remount & when the truck fell, two front studs landed on the inside of the wheel & held that corner up. Go figure!
Notice my floor Jack still wedged under the truck!
Good thing that came out of this is I talked my wife (finally!) into getting a 4-Poat lift for my garage! Yahoo! Food for thought! Scott
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Good Lord man, that thing almost ATE you!
Can't say I haven't been in your shoes before, mind you. I have, more than once, foolishly every time.
I don't care for "modern" jack stand design (ok, Harbor Freight if I'm being honest). Vehicles tend to slide on them too easily, leaving me to try and wrestle some critter from falling off long enough for my wife or whoever to come reposition the jack or whatever.
Ok, I gotta tell a story here, apologies in advance.
Y'all know me.
I have had my own '04 Ram (4x4, hemi, 20's, etc.) fall on me one time, quite literally.
Again being foolish, I was just replacing rotors and pads on her one corner at a time, like I've done a hundred times before on dozens of vehicles over the years. I wasn't using stands (dumbass), just jacking up one corner at a time as I went along.
Oh, a key part to the story is this was back when my current wife and I were still a new thing and she was still learning about "Ed's ways of doing things".
She'd been warned by friends and family that I tend to be lax on safety....

Got to the drivers' rear and was sitting on the concrete floor of the garage, "indian style" in shorts and barefoot. Jack was under the differential center section.
I dropped a caliper bolt and it rolled right under the diff, of course, so I just sort of laid out under the brake rotor/edge of the truck bed to stretch out under there to fetch the bolt.
The jack chose that exact moment to collapse. All at once, too, no gradual thing.
The truck came down fast on me, the rotor pinning my leg at the shin bone flat against the concrete. The bed was busy doing the same to my shoulders.
By not using jack stands, the irony was not lost on me that
I had now become the default jack stand.
Truck had me planted good. There was no movement possible.
My wife, bless her heart, had been hanging out in the garage and witnessed all this. She let out a scream and came running around the back of the truck to see me there, cussing like a sailor and trying to bench press the truck off me to no avail.
She was genuinely shocked to not see me dead, I reckon.
Meanwhile, I can only muster enough breath under there to quietly ask her to jack the thing back up off me.
She doesn't hear, so I do one of those "JACK....THE....F-ING...THING....UP" deals, one breath per word.
She stops screaming long enough to comply and I roll up outta there and stand up, checking for carnage.
My left shin has a perfect, deep imprint of the venting vanes of the rotor embedded in it; my right shoulder had dislocated, having taken the brunt of the weight on it. Had to put it back in real quick (just like Mel Gibson does it in Lethal Weapon I, if you're wondering).
I'm sore but nothing broken.
She's looking at me like she's seeing a ghost. "But...the truck was ON you! How....?"
I just sort of grin at her and shrug my shoulders. Told her the only thing I'd ever come up with in such circumstances is that God has a sense of humor - and I must amuse the hell outta Him."
She made me buy a new jack right after that.
I use jack stands now, too.