What does everyone think will happen IF Donald Trump actually wins? To have a 'Business Man' in the Oval Office. Put aside the bankruptcies and all that stuff he's been through, that's part of 'Business'. Does anyone think he (or any other XXXXXX) will ever make a bit of difference? I'm not saying I'm with or against him, but the idea of a 'shake up' is tempting, no doubt about that. I guess we'll see what happens in about 10.5 months.
The way I see it, we're out-manned, out-gunned, and totally surrounded by self-serving, egotistical, greedy moronic people actually put there with votes from other morons! It's hilarious to watch.
Has anyone ever seen the movie "Idiocracy"? It's a comedy set way into the future and the basic concept of the movie is that the dumb/redneck/morons/idiots basically won and out-bred the smarter/intellectual people and made them obsolete. Well guess what, that sure seems like it's happening right hear and now doesn't it? We seem to get dumber by the day in this country and it's a damn shame. Where is our Pride? Where is our sense of self? Our awareness, our courage to band together and be Americans first? All this 'tolerance' crap is really getting old too.
People need to suck it up and get tougher. Strap on your fukn helmet and get in the game. Do what you can to take care of your piece of the rock. And lastly, just don't be an a$$hole. That's easier said then done for a lot of people though, so my hopes are not high.
Go America.