Well-Known Member
Might be wrong. But, think in the 62-65 days, yeah including max wedges, rope seals were the only thing offered. I only had to 'repair' one, on someone else's motor. Only hurt once. Main thing is...they worked!
Well, well, well...
Pulled the trans inspection plate. Only oil, was along the bottom edge, where it bolts to the trans case. Hardly a trace of oil in the bell housing, at the bottom. Front of the converter, and the flexplate, bone dry. Felt around the rear seal, and nothing.
If it's any kind of leak, oil would have slung all around, in there.
Beer time! Think I'm gonna let it ride, and keep an eye on it, for now. Don't have any miles on it, just some run time...maybe an hour, total. Might be it needs to seat.
Yeah, me too.I hate leaks.
This is un-conventional,BUT a ladies maxie pad stuck up between the rear of the oil pan and the converter cover plate on small blocks works great.And lasts between oil changes.Very absorbent,,,just sayin'.Keeps my driveway clean under the old Dodge pickup.