Slackers & the truely under-employed
The media keeps talking about how high the unemployment rates are in this country. From what I've seen around here, a good percentage of the unemployed (and some of the employed) are doing exactly what they are qualified to do, which is absolutely nothing. We would be willing to train some of these people if they showed any motivation or interest in learning anything. A lot of the people that show up can't even fill out the application because they are functionally illiterate. And those are the ones with a high school diploma. Sad.
:iamwithstupid: I agree with your statement, about the lazy unemployed, takers, slackers, users & especially in the larger cities & especially the coastal inner-cities for the most part, from what I've observed... It's hurting allot of the small mom & pop businesses, that mostly all supply these large cities, from the suburbs or outskirts... That's how it's always been, In my lifetime anyway & From what I've seen here & many other places anyway... It's way too damn easy to get the govt. to support you, with no work search requirement now & endless subsidies, then if they do get unemployment, it's now extended 100 weeks, then get subsistence on-top of that, they think "why work, I can stay home & play all damn day, just collect their monthly check & EBT card"...
that sector has grown 400% in the last 5+ years now, 1 in 5.5 people on some form of govt. subsistence & 45+% get a monthly govt. check... But there is also a big portion "out here anyway", that are 50 y/o & older, victims of downsizing mostly... Some that worked for the same company, industry, possitions almost there whole adult lives, starting just after HS, that are now out of work or under-employed only able to work part time @ fast food or Wal-Mart etc., some for 1-2-even some for 3-4 or more years now, I personally know a couple... Now with no real job/work prospects insight... Most were just HS grads, because that's all that you really needed for work requirements, before the current jerks started screwing everything over... Also there's very little people going into the skilled trades, or industrial or manufacturing industries, the political speaker heads are telling everyone they need to be DR.'s & Lawyers or some other type Professionals, instead of being part of what built this country... Most young people think of the skilled trades or work other than in an office setting to be demeaning or beneath them in social standards... It being shoved down their throats in public schools today, starting in Kindergarten... IMHFO the progressive wussification & progressive social indoctrination of our youth... Like the T-ball teams, Or youth soccer, everyone gets a trophy, just for showing up & participating, why even bother trying... But the un-employment problem is a real issue, there are the lazy scammers, but also not everyone has or needs a college degree, just to work at Mikey D's or live in their parents basement & play video games all damn day on the well educated socialist program...
Then when many of the larger especially inner-city companies rehire, they replace their once ver loyal hard working 50+ crowd, with much younger & less expensive to employ, 20-30 something slackers that are many times "over educated" in the wrong things, to even get & hold a good job, that will work for far less money & much easier to manipulate in the work place...
rant over again