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What would you do? I was honest but disappointed.

Mr Belvedere 30144

Well-Known Member
Local time
10:04 PM
Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
Kennesaw Ga
I was at the local mega monster chain grocery today and when I got home I realized I had received $10.00 too much in change. I called the customer service desk where I checked out. The young woman that rang me answered the phone. I had only dealt with her a couple of times before and she is not one of the regulars that have known me for years. This young woman is not very friendly never greets me when I make eye contact with her as I come in the door like most of the others do. She just seems to be there to get a check, no conversation no asking how you are etc.
Anyway she answered the phone and I told her I was just in and I think I got an extra 10 in change but not positive. I described what I bought and she said she had checked me out and she doubted that she gave me 10 too much but would check. I was on hold a while and the phone rang back to them 3 times as I held. The 3rd time I told the person that answered to have the young woman call me when she figured out if she was 10 short.
She called me back and said yes I am 10 short so I guess I gave you 10 too much. I said ok......... well I will give it to you or who ever is there when I am in next.
Ok she said. (No thank you, nothing). I said so I hope you don't get in trouble over this.
She said naa it happens.... I asked if I had not realized I had the extra 10 would you have to pay it back? She said no they would just ask me if i remember what happened and if it happened too many times they would write me up or fire me.
Oh ok I said...... I will get it back to you guys next time. Ok she said. Still no thank you.
She didn't seem to care one bit that this happened and was not even a little bit grateful I was honest and called in. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as I said she is not very friendly or customer oriented anyway.
I guess I should not be bothered by this but I am. I think I did the right and honest thing. I asked 3 of my friends what they would have done and 2 said they would have just kept the 10 and forgot about it and 1 said he would go back and give it to the young woman. I have always believed honesty is the best policy but I am disappointed in the response and I am bothered that I am bothered as I should not be returning it for any other reason than it is the right thing to do.
What do you all think? What would you have done? Be honest.
I also I think no less of my 2 friends that would not have returned the 10. I think most people wouldn't. If I had not called it would have bothered me more.
Keep the 10 bucks! Screw 'em. I bet they would have made a bigger deal out of it if you called and said they overcharged you by 10 dollars.

Simple, you called, you made an effort, they didn't care. Sleep well.
I would have made the effort to return the $10 just as you did. I would have expected the young lady to be more grateful as well, but we don't know what here moral code is, and by your description she lacks some social skills that may never advance her beyond her checkout position. Don't stop living by the Golden Rule and setting a good example in life, the world needs more folks like you, not less.
Keep the money. Think of how many times you get screwed when they keep jacking up the prices. They don't care about doing it to you and everyone else on a daily basis. Not to mention the manufacturers that jack the prices and cut the size/weight of the product.
this is what i would do...and you can kill two birds with one stone. Go back and return the money directly to her manager. tell the mgr that you called and she said it was no big deal and not even a thank you for being honest.

It sounds like she doesn't give a **** about the job anyways. maybe it will give her some incentive to care about her next job. wtf is wrong with these Millennials? who told them the world owes them anything??
Stay honest and I like what Marpar said. There were times where I got over paid in change 30 years ago and didn't say say anything and sometimes those thoughts pop into my head today....
we experienced something similar at a wal mart last weekend. I purchased a bunch of Easter candy and related items. I got out to the truck and reached into one of my bags for a treat and I pulled out a bag of little kids fruit snacks... I didn't buy them. I checked the rest of the bag over and saw that it wasn't my bag. The items obviously were purchased as treats/snacks for a young child. I ran the bag back into the store and handed it to the old crabby bag that was working that register lane. I was very nice and explained that it must belong to the lady that was in front of me in line and that maybe she will come back looking for it.

Yeah, the old bat just blew me off like I was a huge bother for trying to show some concern and making an effort to see that this lady got the items she paid for.

This is why I like my little small town stores. That would have been handled a lot different in a small town store. The cashier would have likely known the person that forgot their items, probably would have called them on the phone to tell them they had a mix up at the store and to stop by to pick up their items that they paid for.
this is what i would do...and you can kill two birds with one stone. Go back and return the money directly to her manager. tell the mgr that you called and she said it was no big deal and not even a thank you for being honest.

It sounds like she doesn't give a **** about the job anyways. maybe it will give her some incentive to care about her next job. wtf is wrong with these Millennials? who told them the world owes them anything??

I think I may go this route. I think they should know she thinks it's no big deal giving away their money. The ingrate!!
Had I been the checker I would have thanked me profusely and told me to Keep the 10 and I would put my own 10 in the drawer. But that's just me and how I was raised.
I would have made the effort to return the $10 just as you did. I would have expected the young lady to be more grateful as well, but we don't know what here moral code is, and by your description she lacks some social skills that may never advance her beyond her checkout position. Don't stop living by the Golden Rule and setting a good example in life, the world needs more folks like you, not less.
:iamwithstupid: Mr. Belv; I have to agree you did the correct thing & the proper ethical thing, I saw don't lose any sleep over it too... Sad & very poor customer service, someone's till/X-out count, at the end of the shift will be $10.00 off, they will have to explain it too... I'd think the GM wouldn't be all too happy, with the customer service people either.... IMHFO they should have tanked you, taken the money & gave you some kind of discount voucher, for your next shopping experiences, for being so honest... That's what I'd have done... Really sad customer service all over the place today... It seems that, "the everyone deserves a trophy, for just showing up, type mentality", is in allot of our lexicon/everyday aspects of life today, poor morality, poor outlook on everything, poor business practices, poor ethics, horrid customer service too...
I'd return it as well..... treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Mario has a great idea! Good on you Mr. Belvedere for returning it.
Trying to return the $10 is/was the right thing to do. I own a retail business. I can't tell you how many times people have handed me extra money not knowing it. When I hand it back to them, they always seem shocked. As for the cashier, 1-she was raised poorly, 2- she was trained poorly by the store management. My sales clerks are trained from day one to be pleasant to the customers and thank them all the time. I explain to them that it's those customers who are paying their salary. And if they are not polite in general, they either don't get hired or get fired pretty quickly. I don't have to put up with attitude from my employees.

This is a prime example though of what Northerndave wrote; small businesses treat the customer better !!!!
I wish there were a mom and pop grocer here I could go to.
I do not have kids but have friends that do. I am amazed at these kids mentality like I they are doing their employer a favor working there and are owed or have a right to that job. If they make a mistake oh well so what who cares. They sure don't. What kind of people is this great country is being left to. Are there no morals any longer? JEEZ! Thanks all for your support. I know I did the right thing and I will be having a talk with the manager. It's funny that before I called I didn't want the girl to get in trouble for her mistake. Now after her reaction and lack of caring I wouldn't mind if she were to be fired!
I have to honestly ask, why do you care about if she says hello or not? Who cares if she says hello or whatever or not? I could not care less and to be honest, I wish they would stop. I do like it when the hired help asks me if I need help finding an item in the isles. Like in Lowes, Ace hardware, supermarket. The only reason I go to work is for a check. I'm not there to make friends. Just make money. If I meet someone and they turn out to be a friend, BONUS!

As for the $10, that is your call. You returned it? Good for you. An honest man you are. I would not go out of my way if the store was far away, but a local place I would return the cash, which I count at the cashiers counter everytime.
I am a human being and a friendly and sociable type. I like to talk and be friendly and engage in light pleasant conversation everywhere I go. This makes the day the week and my life a whole lot more enjoyable. If I wanted to deal with someone who acts like a machine I would go through the self checkout lane. I will always patronize any place with friendly outgoing employees. This makes life a lot more enjoyable.
In a large box store, I was given too much change by a rather unfriendly cashier. I said, I think you made a mistake, while holding the change towards her. Her abrupt response was, I don't make mistakes. Ok , I tried, put the change in my pocket and left. She didn't seem to care.
As long as you're honest to youself is all that matters. What goes around, comes around.
Mr. Belvedere, you're doing the right thing. You want to return some money that was given to you in error. So think to yourself; are you returning it because you're honest, or because you were hoping for gratitude? Both would be nice, but I'm willing to bet that it was the former reason that spurred you on. The cashiers apparent lack of concern or manners shouldn't spoil your day, so don't let it. :)

Thanks for sharing...
Mr. Belvedere,kudos for you for doing what you did. The young girl might not realize it now or maybe even care, but your act of goodness might have altered her course in life a little. Maybe the mgr will talk to her and she might remember you the next time to go in the store. Maybe then she will give you the thank you that she should've done on the phone.
You guys are right. I did do it because it was the right thing to do.
I was disappointed though as I just imagined there would be more gratitude than what there was. I hope she someday wakes up.
I agree you did the right thing. As someone else said, we need more people like you out there, not less.

The important thing is do what makes YOU sleep well at night. I choose to try and be honest, and it would bug me if I didn't give it back. Kudos to you for doing it, and the next time you MAY get a very grateful person...

Keep up the good work.
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