Well-Known Member
There is an adjustable pressure device, made my milodon i think, that replaces the plug that holds the relief spring on a big block pump. It will NOT adjust idle pressure, (unless you have too much, which is highly unlikely) but it will allow you to adjust going-down-the-road pressure to what you want. Basically its just a movable stop for the relief spring, held in place with a locknut.
If you use one, be careful that you dont set it too tight. Remember how i defined too much pressure? An oops with the adjustment clarified what too much pressure is.
Some folks will shim their spring to increase pressure. This can be a problem for the same reason. The spring in mine will go solid with about a 0.060 shim at full relief valve opening. Said differently, if you shim it more than 0.060, you will not get full relief. Of course, you might not need full relief, but you need to know this going in.