#1 Miami Vice, hard hitting & Phil Collins song
'In the Air of the Night'
#1a Fall Guy
#1b Rockford Files (James Garner my favorite actor besides John Wayne)
Dukes Of Hazzard (& it had a MoPar)
Happy Days
Hawaii Five-O
Cheers (I loved that show, funny stuff)
Andy Griffith (theme is probably the most whistled song ever made)
I even taught my old Parakeet 'Rico' (Puerto Rico) to whistle it
Manum PI (Tom Selleck my second favorite actor close to Sam Elliot)
in no special order, but you knew what was coming on
when you heard it, most of them were when TV shows were still OK
Starsky & Hutch
Nash Bridges
Mission Impossible
Peter Gun
WKRP (always funny)
The Wonder Years
The Monkeys
Banana Splits
& special mention;
Wild Wild West
Black Sheep Squadron (Robert Conrad as 'Pappy Boyington' Bah Bah Black Sheep)
Great American Hero
Las Vegas (with James Cann, all the babes of the 90s)
Las Vegas (with Robert Uhlrich, PI)
Mad Men
Welcome Back Kotter
Sanford & Son
Green Acres
mostly all when TV was good, not like it is now,
desensitizing all violence, debauchery, or just gay or T&A...