there a nice breed use to have mastiff's and Dobermans and now we have chessies View attachment 148025 here is my wife's pup back in july 3 months old
I thought someone said he was gathering firewood....
His post from 10/22/2012
Plenty and meat...Plenty of fish. Freezer looks like I'm outfitted for an Alaskan winter. Now if I could keep the moochers out of my beer fridge, we'd be in tip top shape. Still trying to find where there's a red cross painted on the side of my
I don't plan on taking on the Bufford T. Justice roll anytime soon....I'll leave that for the grown up's.
I would say he is hunting
Maybe He's just playin around??
View attachment 148294all of ours love the pool ,you have to pull them out
I thought someone said he was gathering firewood....
Bump...anybody heard from him yet??
Have a phone number if anyone really needs to get ahold of him.I'm just guessing but thinking maybe a little burnt out from the RR build.No white stuff here yet but the bow deer season is ending with the gun opener this coming weekend.
Just curious & wondering if all's well...