Larrry B.
Well-Known Member
2, looks good when it matches the interior color with the appropriate emblem.
Nearly all of my cars got an aftermarket wheel that was smaller in was the 13.5". One years I took the car to Sears for a safety inspection and the tech said no, the wheel was too small. A DPS officer happened to drive in about that same time and I told him what the tech said and after looking he said not a problem as long as the horn worked. PASS! Grant 502 like dit one,338.htmlI prefer aftermarket diameter reduction but always liked 2, even with Rallye dash.
#1 by far ..... that big, stupid pad is hideous..... may as well be an air bag
Agreed. Looks wise. I don’t want to drive with a big diameter wheel in my chest. My Sport Wheel resides on the Bar.