interesting read
the Germans never got a brake, they flow till the were downed or capture over allied ground
note there is nothing till you get to the bottom then Richard I. Bong
Name Country Service Victories
Erich "Bubi" Hartmann Germany Luftwaffe 352
Gerhard Barkhorn Germany Luftwaffe 301
Günther Rall Germany Luftwaffe 275
Otto Kittel Germany Luftwaffe 267
Walter Nowotny Germany Luftwaffe 258
Wilhelm Batz Germany Luftwaffe 237
Erich Rudorffer Germany Luftwaffe 222 (12 Me-262)
Heinz Bär Germany Luftwaffe 220 (16 Me-262)
Hermann Graf Germany Luftwaffe 212
Heinrich Ehrler Germany Luftwaffe 208 (8 Me-262)
Theodor Weissenberger Germany Luftwaffe 208 (8 Me-262)
Hans Philipp Germany Luftwaffe 206
Walter Schuck Germany Luftwaffe 206
Anton Hafner Germany Luftwaffe 204
Helmut Lipfert Germany Luftwaffe 203
Walter Krupinski Germany Luftwaffe 197
Anton Hackl Germany Luftwaffe 192
Joachim Brendel Germany Luftwaffe 189
Max Stotz Germany Luftwaffe 189
Joachim Kirschner Germany Luftwaffe 188
Kurt Brändle Germany Luftwaffe 180
Günther Josten Germany Luftwaffe 178
Johannes Steinhoff Germany Luftwaffe 178
Ernst-Wilhelm Reinert Germany Luftwaffe 174
Günther Schack Germany Luftwaffe 174
Emil Lang Germany Luftwaffe 173
Heinz Schmidt Germany Luftwaffe 173
Horst Ademeit Germany Luftwaffe 166
Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke Germany Luftwaffe 162
Hans-Joachim Marseille Germany Luftwaffe 158
Heinrich Sturm Germany Luftwaffe 158
Gerhard Thyben Germany Luftwaffe 157
Hans Beisswenger Germany Luftwaffe 152
Peter Düttmann Germany Luftwaffe 152
Gordon M. Gollob Germany Luftwaffe 150
Fritz Tegtmeier Germany Luftwaffe 146
Albin Wolf Germany Luftwaffe 144
Kurt Tanzer Germany Luftwaffe 143
Friedrich-Karl "Tutti" Müller Germany Luftwaffe 140
Karl Gratz Germany Luftwaffe 138
Heinrich Setz Germany Luftwaffe 138
Rudolf Trenkel Germany Luftwaffe 138
Walter Wolfrum Germany Luftwaffe 137
Horst-Günther von Fassong Germany Luftwaffe 136
Otto Fönnekold Germany Luftwaffe 136
Karl-Heinz Weber Germany Luftwaffe 136
Joachim Müncheberg Germany Luftwaffe 135
Hans Waldmann Germany Luftwaffe 134
Alfred Grislawski Germany Luftwaffe 133
Franz Schall Germany Luftwaffe 133
Johannes Wiese Germany Luftwaffe 133
Adolf Borchers Germany Luftwaffe 132
Adolf Dickfeld Germany Luftwaffe 132
Erwin Clausen Germany Luftwaffe 132
Wilhelm Lemke Germany Luftwaffe 131
Gerhard Hoffmann Germany Luftwaffe 130
Franz Eisenach Germany Luftwaffe 129
Walther Dahl Germany Luftwaffe 129
Heinrich Sterr Germany Luftwaffe 129
Franz Dörr Germany Luftwaffe 128
Rudolf Rademacher Germany Luftwaffe 126
Josef Zwernemann Germany Luftwaffe 126
Dietrich Hrabak Germany Luftwaffe 125
Wolf Ettel Germany Luftwaffe 124
Herbert Ihlefeld Germany Luftwaffe 123 (+7 in Spain)
Wolfgang Tonne Germany Luftwaffe 122
Heinz Marquardt Germany Luftwaffe 121
Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer Germany Luftwaffe 121
Robert Weiss Germany Luftwaffe 121
Erich Leie Germany Luftwaffe 121
Friedrich Obleser Germany Luftwaffe 120
Franz-Josef Beerenbrock Germany Luftwaffe 117
Hans-Joachim Birkner Germany Luftwaffe 117
Jakob Norz Germany Luftwaffe 117
Walter Oesau Germany Luftwaffe 117
Heinz Wernicke Germany Luftwaffe 117
August Lambert Germany Luftwaffe 116
Werner Mölders Germany Luftwaffe 115 (incl. 14 in Spain)
Wilhelm Crinius Germany Luftwaffe 114
Werner Schroer Germany Luftwaffe 114
Hans Dammers Germany Luftwaffe 113
Berthold Korts Germany Luftwaffe 113
Helmut Lent Germany Luftwaffe 113
Kurt Bühlingen Germany Luftwaffe 112
Kurt Ubben Germany Luftwaffe 110
Franz Woidich Germany Luftwaffe 110
Reinhard Seiler Germany Luftwaffe 109
Emil Bitsch Germany Luftwaffe 108
Hans Hahn (pilot) Germany Luftwaffe 108
Bernhard Vechtel Germany Luftwaffe 108
Viktor Bauer Germany Luftwaffe 106
Werner Lucas Germany Luftwaffe 106
Günther Lützow Germany Luftwaffe 105
Adolf Galland Germany Luftwaffe 104
Eberhard von Boremski Germany Luftwaffe 104
Heinz Sachsenberg Germany Luftwaffe 104
Hartmann Grasser Germany Luftwaffe 103
Siegfried Freytag Germany Luftwaffe 102
Friedrich Geisshardt Germany Luftwaffe 102
Egon Mayer Germany Luftwaffe 102
Max-Hellmuth Ostermann Germany Luftwaffe 102
Josef Wurmheller Germany Luftwaffe 102
Rudolf Miethig Germany Luftwaffe 101
Josef Priller Germany Luftwaffe 101
Ulrich Wernitz Germany Luftwaffe 101
Rudolf Müller Germany Luftwaffe 101
Ilmari Juutilainen Finland Finnish Air Force 94
Hiroyoshi Nishizawa Japan Imperial Japanese Navy 87 (some sources indicate kills over 120)
Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein Germany Luftwaffe 83
Tetsuzo Iwamoto Japan Imperial Japanese Navy 80
Hans Wind Finland Finnish Air Force 75
Erbo Graf von Kageneck Germany Luftwaffe 67
Heinz Roekker Germany Luftwaffe 64
Saburo Sakai Japan Imperial Japanese Navy 64+
Ivan Kozhedub Soviet Union VVS 62
Aleksandr Ivanovich Pokryshkin Soviet Union VVS 59
Grigoriy Rechkalov Soviet Union VVS 58
Nikolay Gulayev Soviet Union VVS 57
Eino Luukkanen Finland Finnish Air Force 56
Wilhelm-Ferdinand Galland Germany Luftwaffe 55
Kirill Yevstigneyev Soviet Union VVS 53
Martin Drewes Germany Luftwaffe 52
Marmaduke 'Pat' Pattle South African Royal Air Force 51+
Hans-Joachim Jabs Germany Luftwaffe 50
Dmitriy Glinka Soviet Union VVS 50
Arseniy Vorozheikin Soviet Union VVS 46 (+6 in Manchuria)
Alexandr Koldunov Soviet Union VVS 46
Nikolay Skomorohov Soviet Union VVS 46
Urho Lehtovaara Finland Finnish Air Force 44½
Oiva Tuominen Finland Finnish Air Force 44
Alexandru Şerbănescu Romania Romanian Air Force 44
Walther Wever Germany Luftwaffe 44
Constantine Cantacuzino Romania Romanian Air Force 43
Olli Puhakka Finland Finnish Air Force 42
Richard I. Bong USA Army Air Forces 40
James Edgar "Johnnie" Johnson UK Royal Air Force 38
Thomas B. McGuire USA Army Air Forces 38
I was just point out that the poor Germans did not get any breaks (they flew and until the were f*ck) and they were defending their homeland , at lest the allies got a break every so often