Not only am I married, but we just rolled over 30 years on the odometer last June. And I know a bit about this issue. I was an Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Operator (AW) in the Navy. In the 1980s when I was in, AWs had the highest divorce rate in the Navy, which had the highest divorce rate in the military, which had the highest divorce rate in the US, which had the highest divorce rate in the world. I flew with 40 or so guys when I was in my squadron, and worked with another 20 or so while at the Tactical Support Center, and I'm one of three of those sixty guys who's still married to the same woman I was with then. I've seen a LOT of women leave their guys, and vice-versa, so there isn't much I haven't seen. I also had the eye-opening experience of working in a company with a skosh over 6,000 workers that was 92% women. In three different departments, I was the only guy working with 20-30 women, and I got a serious eyeful of what women are really like.
One of the first things I learned that really surprised me is not one of the supervisors I worked for would hire a woman who was better looking than she was. None of them! If a good looking woman came in for an interview, it didn't matter how experienced, smart, or capable she was. If she was prettier, she was unemployed. The second thing I noticed is women will collectively and consistently rip other women to shreds based on their looks. They will say things about other women that no guy would ever even consider saying. They are obsessed with every detail of what other women are wearing, how they are wearing it, and when they are wearing it. There's a reason why every mall on the planet has a dozen women's clothing/attire stores for every one selling guy's clothing, and the reason is this instinctual obsession women have with their appearances, which all relates to their mating instincts.
To my point about women vs a woman, there will always be exceptions to any general behaviors, and they trend to various extremes, which is why making broad statements such as were described in the original post are usually a bad idea. Some women will leave a guy who isn't "present" all the time for them, but many women want their guy out there providing for them and their family and don't need a guy to to be constantly feeding their attention needs. Like I said, I've been married for 30 years, many of them while working in a profession with the highest divorce rate in the world. My results were not a matter of chance. After seeing marriages dropping like flies for years, I knew if I was getting married I would have to find a gal who could stand on her own and who I could trust implicitly when I was gone for months at a time, so I did a lot of searching instead of marrying the first bimbo I bumped into at the beach or bar (as more than a few of my fellow AWs did).
As Richard Rawlings has stated again and again, you make your money when you buy a car, not when you sell it. Same deal with women. You get a long-lasting relationship by picking the right woman at the start and not by changing your own behaviors or jumping through hoops years down the road. If you've got the wrong woman, the relationship is going to eventually fall apart no matter what you do.