I've only had it happen once, at a local cruise-in - we come back from making the rounds to where the GTX is parked along the street. Lots of folks wandering around, the usual car show stuff.
One sort of scraggly dude is literally squatting on the corner of the left fender of my car, engaged in conversation with another, like it's his car or something....
My wife gives me the look of "you're about to do something stupid, aren't you?"
I wink at her, then come up behind the guy quietly....
Sort of loudly, I blurt out something like "WOW, nice car man! How long did it take to do?"
He gives me some flippant BS answer and doesn't even turn to look at me.
Guy is acting all cool in front of his friends - but his friends see my expression and theirs in turn changes enough to alert him something's up.
He turns and looks at me - then sees my expression, which doesn't match what I've just said and is a mix of "mildly perturbed" and "****'s about to get real".
Mr. Smug's attitude suddenly changes...
He pops up off the GTX and stammers out "oh, it's not
really my car!"
Ed: "No, it's not." I keep staring...
Mr. Smug processes this information for a moment, then arrives at the answer....
"It's YOUR car, huh?"
Ed: "Yes, it is". Stare....
More processing on his part. Comically long pause...
I kid you not, the dude then asks if I have a towel or cloth he can borrow to polish the area his inbred *** had just been occupying.
Well, a fella can't stay mad at that point now, can he?
He still stops by and says hi at the local events these days...
EDIT: Now that my brain is functioning, I DO recall another time at a cruise-in,
but I'm pretty sure I wrote about it at the time, so...
suffice to say these small town gatherings are rather informal - and some folks
get a little TOO informal and take liberties...