Well....im totally confused by now.... i set meter at R1, tested, and now reads 17 ohms....If it’s like all the rest, the R100 means ur multiplying ur number reading by 100. Say the meter shows 0-50 from one side to the other; then if ur needle stops at say 40, then ur reading 40x100=4000ohms. Hope this helps.
That’s ur real reading. You probably still have a bad sender.Well....im totally confused by now.... i set meter at R1, tested, and now reads 17 ohms....
Sorry man, i have no clue what that means.....my gage barely gets up to empty when key is onIf your sender reads 17 ohms you should show between 3/4 and a full tank!
I told you to use a scale that the full sweep of the needle was 100 ohms... not a multiplier.
Dont quit on me now.....should i pray? Or need new sender?
So order one from amazon and pray i guess.....seemns to me my first RR back in the stone age, never had this issue. I take it Mopar does not make them any more?Ain’t possible? Mine reads 1/2 when full. I hate China & everybody else that makes them!
I suppose......most all parts cggain stores ha ve them, just wanted a good oneYou might want to look around- Amazon doesn’t always have the best price going.
Yes, that test was completed, gage went to full.Is the sender in the tank the stock original unit? If so, unless it's rusted junk, could be fixable.
Sounds like your getting a reading...17 ohms.
Eliminate things! Try this first...test the gauge itself...by pulling the gauge wire off the sending unit. Hook a wire lead, from the end of the gauge wire, to a GOOD ground. Then, turn the key on. The gauge should 'slowly' go to full. Give it time, since it's designed to move slow. If it does not go to full, it's either the gauge itself, or the gauge wire. The wire, if tested from each end, should ohm out at 0, or pretty dang close.
See post #30......looks like i need to search for a sender...Okay.
Next two tests...real simple. Ground check...using your ohm meter 0-100 range...from a good body/frame ground, test to the fuel line itself. Then test the same way, from ground to the sender body itself. Both should read 0, or pretty dang close.
If both check good...yes, it's the sender itself. If so, me?, I'd pull it, and have a look see.
Could be something simple, like a sunk float!