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People doing stupid things


Well-Known Member
Local time
10:58 AM
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
So I'm pretty sure my neighbor has OCD.
I've seen him sweeping his garage at 3AM, shovel snow off his roof that isn't flat, he also spends thousands on his grass every year, we live in sand and he's the only one with a perfect lawn.
I just walked outside and he's pressure washing his soffit and fascia. Would be fine, but he's literally blasting water inside the soffit with what looks to be a 20 tip and no water coming out. I was gonna stop him, but he thinks he's above everyone in the neighborhood. My favorite thing to do is mow Friday, because I have half days and watch him lose his **** and mow the same time, even though he mowed Wednesday.
I know my neighbor is OCD, between 5pm and dark every Tuesday night he wil go back to his garbage cans 3 to 6 times and keep adjusting the lids and handles so they are perfectly aligned at a 90 degree angle, some times he doesn’t touch them, just goes in the street and looks back at them for correctness
So what the hell is that?
I like my neighbors, don't think they are OCD

Damen one across the street to the right has too much junk,
(Sanford & sons, as we call him) but a nice guy, contractor
he has a strange kid/lil' girl,
he's divorced he has her every other weekend
his daughters dog is a barker, otherwise a minor nuisance

Tommy another one across the street to the left
has too many cars with only 4 drivers, not enough room
like 10 cars/trucks out front, father is a CalFire Big wig
wife works at the HS, has 2 older kids 1 is a teen
& 20 y/o boy has a crapload of friends over,
Tommy pays a landscaper to take care of the yard
kids don't do it
has a nice big 3 car garage is filled with, workout stuff
weights & exercise crap, canoes, bikes etc.
his dad Tom used to live there, he was a total car guy
never stuff outside, cars in the garage :blah: total opposites
the house is always kept nice, so I don't mind
have a nice Huskey Roxy, good people

(another Tom) guy nextdoor up the hill,
is obsessed with the easement between US
always rototilling, weed whacking & raking burning leaves,
burying some stuff, no idea of what
he's sort of an old tree hugger, but him & the wife are nice
he's a retired Cal. Forestry big wig, wears all his gear when he does the stuff
more humorous than OCD type
no harm no foul, has a cool dog Vishala Rip

Another down from me, Darren great family 2 young kids
1) boy 10 1) girl 14, wife works the school,
he's going to retire (young 55) from Ca. Fish & Game, a Capt. 28 years
always entertaining family, he has big Italian family, wife's is Dutch
has a nice pool, nice yard, always kept clean
really nice people, I helped more guided him in building his 68 cj5
sort of does a lot of leaf blowing & takes really good care of his lawn
great people, like trucks 4x4s cars & sports, beer, we get along great
used to have a cat & an old female lab LuLu we were buddies,
lab died a few years back,
I used to take care of the animals when the travel
the cats (had several now) have all got eaten by who knows what,
probably coyotes

another neighbor Ron a door down from Darren
he owns a garbage collection co. in West bay area Redwood City area
they are part timers, but really nice people
have a lil' miniature bull Terroir, Rufus (it's a girl)

in the immediate vicinity of me, I have pretty nice cool neighbors
I have always been the one to do the weird stuff.
I've cut up cars in my driveway along with doing bodywork and spraying primer.
One time I had the shop vacuum in the back yard (visible from the street) sucking up acorns that had fallen. I was tired of my dogs eating them every time I let them out.
I've made redneck scaffold atop the lumber rack I have in this truck:


...to cut trees and to paint the shop where the extension ladder wouldn't reach.
I've spun around in the dirt out back in this car:


...leaving a cloud of dust hanging in the air.
I bought the place, I'm going to live how I want to live.
Me??? If I observe a neighbor doing ridiculous stuff, I just chuckle and leave it alone. Not going to aggravate the BP because of their OCD nonsense...More important things to be concerned about...cr8crshr/Bill:usflag::usflag::usflag:
I think there's a thin line between OCD and "fastidious". Some people are overly proud of their property and how it appears to others and that's their only hobby.

I don't see it as a problem unless these types expect their neighbors to be the same. BNDT
I am blessed with good neighbours. We all help each other when we can. But, we are not on each other's doorstep all the time, either. People on the South of me are early 80's; he has a newer Corvette and older El Camino. Quiet folks with pride in their property. People on my North are in their early 60's, retired with no kids. He likes to fish, since we are so close to Lake Erie (perch and pickerel). His wife is a gardener, and between them, they keep their property immaculate. There are no fences between us, so our 3 properties look like a continuous park. The guy across the road still works at a local repair garage and helps me change my tires and rims from summer to winter and back. He added a third bay to his garage when he bought an early Mustang, and has filled it with automobilia. Unfortunately his wife has MS, and he looks after her. Again, no kids, and he keeps his place looking great. Life is so much better with good neighbours that share pride of place.
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I am blessed with good neighbours. We all help each other when we can. But, we are not on each other's doorstep all the time, either. People on the South of me are early 80's; he has a newer Corvette and older El Camino. Quiet folks with pride in their property. People on my North are in their early 60's, retired with no kids. He likes to fish, since we are so close to Lake Erie (perch and pickerel). His wife is a gardener, and between them, they keep their property immaculate. There are no fences between us, so our 3 properties look like a continuous park. The guy across the road still works at a local repair garage and helps me change my tires and rims from summer to winter and back. He added a third bay to his garage when he bought an early Mustang, and has filled it with automobilia. Unfortunately his wife has MS, and he looks after her. Again, no kids, and he keeps his place looking great. Life is so much better with good neighbours that share price of place.

My neighbors are blessed with me being a good neighbor.
My neighbors are blessed with me being a good neighbor.
My neighbors know how I roll and that's important. They tell when they go out of town, I watch out. If it's trash day and they need a place to put it, they check mine and if it has room, in it goes. All our yards are mowed, bushes trimmed and watered for us, so we don't have to deal with grass knee deep or dead in some yards. There are more than a few car guys around here, but you'd never know it till the door opens and out they come, some even double stacked. Clean cut people who do their thing and life goes on, as it should be.
Go out and move them about a foot from each other when he's not around. :lol:
you guys don't know how lucky you are , my neighbor on the north side has junked his 1 acre up so bad , you`d have to see it to believe he could do it in about 2/3 yrs.
gonna be a detriment to selling my place one of these days for sure...
I guess I am lucky with great neighbors. The guy next door is becoming a bit strange as he has to have a car parked in a street spot adjacent to my driveway. Mind you I'm on an 8 house cul de sac with little to no traffic.
It's crazy as he has a 3 car wide x 4 car deep driveway and a big garage. He comes home with the truck moves the honda back to the garage and parks the truck where the honda was every day...sometimes several times a day.
He doesn't want anyone parking in front of his house...and no one really ever did?
I guess I am lucky with great neighbors. The guy next door is becoming a bit strange as he has to have a car parked in a street spot adjacent to my driveway. Mind you I'm on an 8 house cul de sac with little to no traffic.
It's crazy as he has a 3 car wide x 4 car deep driveway and a big garage. He comes home with the truck moves the honda back to the garage and parks the truck where the honda was every day...sometimes several times a day.
He doesn't want anyone parking in front of his house...and no one really ever did?
If it's the only one outside maybe he wants people to think someone is home all the time.
Yep, I have an OCD neighbor. I could go on for hours the stupid stuff he does.
Just a few examples:
-Mows a different direction, edges, weed wacks and leaf blows his yard every single day as early as 7 a.m. and sometimes twice a day. Once with push mower and later in the day on his rider. Will even do it in the rain.
-Washes his cars almost every day or at least as soon as it is done raining.
-leaves as many as 12 times a day (I counted one time) alternating between each car each time. Leaves for 20 mins, comes home from 20 mins to an hour and then leaves for 20 mins again. Backs in/Parks in the garage every time he comes home.
-forever switching one car to the other to each side of his garage through out each day.
-power washes everything all the time almost all day.
-I can never leave my windows open in spring, summer or nice fall days due to all of the above equipment running every day. My house smells like exhaust fumes or 2 stroke.
-He never parks in the street. Unless someone in the neighborhood is having people over. Then he will park in front of his house so no one else can. When I had my Dad's retirement party and my Daughter and Son's graduation parties (all 3 years apart). He did it all 3 times and to any other neighbors get together's.
-He puts posts up with chains so no one uses his drive way when he is not home or to turn around. Moves them around all the time to let himself in and out.
-He puts them behind his own vehicles to remind himself not to back up his own driveway too far or something???
He puts all his trash on my yard of his driveway on garbage day. 6' from the curb. Like the garbage men can't see it???? My kids park their vehicles in the street. If they are parked bumper to bumper in front of our own house, the front vehicle cannot pull away from house without moving his trash out of the way.
-He leave blows dozens of times per day all fall season long.
He blows the snow off his grass until it gets heavy enough that he can't keep up.
-Same with shoveling and snow blowing at all hours of the night during winter.
-And, it goes on and on.


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Yep, I have an OCD neighbor. I could go on for hours the stupid stuff he does.
Just a few examples:
-Mows a different direction, edges, weed wacks and leaf blows his yard every single day as early as 7 a.m. and sometimes twice a day. Once with push mower and later in the day on his rider. Will even do it in the rain.
-Washes his cars almost every day or at least as soon as it is done raining.
-leaves as many as 12 times a day (I counted one time) alternating between each car each time. Leaves for 20 mins, comes home from 20 mins to an hour and then leaves for 20 mins again. Backs in/Parks in the garage every time he comes home.
-forever switching one car to the other to each side of his garage through out each day.
-power washes everything all the time almost all day.
-I can never leave my windows open in spring, summer or nice fall days due to all of the above equipment running every day. My house smells like exhaust fumes or 2 stroke.
-He never parks in the street. Unless someone in the neighborhood is having people over. Then he will park in front of his house so no one else can. When I had my Dad's retirement party and my Daughter and Son's graduation parties (all 3 years apart). He did it all 3 times and to any other neighbors get together's.
-He puts posts up with chains so no one uses his drive way when he is not home or to turn around. Moves them around all the time to let himself in and out.
-He puts them behind his own vehicles to remind himself not to back up his own driveway too far or something???
He puts all his trash on my yard of his driveway on garbage day. 6' from the curb. Like the garbage men can't see it???? My kids park their vehicles in the street. If they are parked bumper to bumper in front of our own house, the front vehicle cannot pull away from house without moving his trash out of the way.
-He leave blows dozens of times per day all fall season long.
He blows the snow off his grass until it gets heavy enough that he can't keep up.
-Same with shoveling and snow blowing at all hours of the night during winter.
-And, it goes on and on.

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Hang a sign on those chains that says "Free Fence" and see what happens.
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