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People doing stupid things

So I live in a great neighborhood, we're friends with kind of everybody around here we do dinners at everybody others house maybe once a month or two or whatever.
I babysit my neighbors twins 7 years old boy and girl 3 days a week!

my next door neighbor's are biker wannabes..... they do have a couple Harleys in the garage never seen them move in 10 years or more.
Always dressed in black harly shirts and all that **** but he is actually he's our neighborhood old lady....
he calls the cops every few weeks or something about somebody that's doing something that he doesn't like. about 2 weeks ago me and my neighbor across the street we're outside with our dogs both off leash both extremely well trained... so cops come up and Jason told me Jim next door called about these wild dogs, so the cop opened his door and my little Bruno jumped inside right with him, he was so happy to play with that dog it was ridiculous, cop came out and loved both dogs big time and said sorry, you guys are just fine!
Bullets are cheap but you just can't use them some times
I have a neighbor who moves the car he isn’t using to protect anyone from parking in a half car length spot in front of his house. His truck can be seen at 1 o’clock position in the picture. Even more strange no one ever parks there and there is no random traffic.

First pic is him all the way.
Oh, I remembered another one. He puts out a deer decoy every morning, and puts it away every night before dark. I guess so no one will steal it?
A few showing how little he has to go out and leaf blow dozens of times everyday as soon as a few new leaves fall into his yard.







First pic is him all the way.
Oh, I remembered another one. He puts out a deer decoy every morning, and puts it away every night before dark. I guess so no one will steal it?
A few showing how little he has to go out and leaf blow dozens of times everyday as soon as a few new leaves fall into his yard.

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You may have me on crazy neighbours, but not by much!
Mostly we all agreed to ignore that one bitch and move on!

I feel for you buddy!
I'll bet your cool cars piss them off too!
You may have me on crazy neighbours, but not by much!
Mostly we all agreed to ignore that one bitch and move on!

I feel for you buddy!
I'll bet your cool cars piss them off too!
I never say anything to him and he don't call the city on me for all my vehicles (11). However, they are all plated, insured, run and drive so the city can't do anything any way.
Oh, and to prove my point he is out there mowing right now live time as I type this again for the second time today since 7:40 a.m. Yes, he woke me up as usual.... I am on vacation this week and can't even sleep in if I wanted to.
Years ago. I did take his trash cans and put it on his side of the driveway one garbage night around 6:00 after I took my cans to the curb thinking maybe he would get the point. Around 8:30-9:00 the same night. I looked out front and they were back on my side. I went back down there and moved them again, thinking maybe he would think, oh, he must not want them over there? Nope, as I went to bed that night after midnight, I looked out again as I went to lock the door. They were all back on my side again. So, I moved them back again. When I woke up the next morning they were on my side once again, but I heard the garbage trucks near by so they were going to be picked up soon anyway.
We played this game for 2 more weeks. I finally gave up. Now that I know he is just an OCD butthole. I just ignore him.
If it's the only one outside maybe he wants people to think someone is home all the time.
At one point I had 12 cars....with only two in the driveway but these days I have 5 with 3 that are licensed and ready to drive and at night, there's nothing in the driveway except for my GF's truck. My box trailer sits off to the side partly on the hard surface and partly not but these days, all the bickering neighbors are either gone or too old to waste their energy anymore. Some of the biggest aholes on the street lived on both sides of me and across the street. They are all dead now.....and no, I wasn't the cause lol. And yeah, need to do some yardwork and plan on it for Friday.

To extend for more of today's adventures. We have had 3 quick rain showers come through so far today that only lasted 10-20 minutes each. After each rain, the neighbor was out with his leaf blower blowing the water off his driveway and side walks. 20 minutes after the sun came out each time, mine were as dry as his.... lol.
To extend for more of today's adventures. We have had 3 quick rain showers come through so far today that only lasted 10-20 minutes each. After each rain, the neighbor was out with his leaf blower blowing the water off his driveway and side walks. 20 minutes after the sun came out each time, mine were as dry as his.... lol.
I know of a guy that was a bad alky and when he quit drinking, he focused on the yard and did similar stuff like that.....but his wife asked him one day while they were out and about if he wanted a beer and that was the end of that.
At one point I had 12 cars....with only two in the driveway but these days I have 5 with 3 that are licensed and ready to drive and at night, there's nothing in the driveway except for my GF's truck. My box trailer sits off to the side partly on the hard surface and partly not but these days, all the bickering neighbors are either gone or too old to waste their energy anymore. Some of the biggest aholes on the street lived on both sides of me and across the street. They are all dead now.....and no, I wasn't the cause lol. And yeah, need to do some yardwork and plan on it for Friday.

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Digging a hole?
After reading many of these posts, I'm happy that the PRC doesn't have all of the wacked people.
At one point I had 12 cars....with only two in the driveway but these days I have 5 with 3 that are licensed and ready to drive and at night, there's nothing in the driveway except for my GF's truck. My box trailer sits off to the side partly on the hard surface and partly not but these days, all the bickering neighbors are either gone or too old to waste their energy anymore. Some of the biggest aholes on the street lived on both sides of me and across the street. They are all dead now.....and no, I wasn't the cause lol. And yeah, need to do some yardwork and plan on it for Friday.

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What’s your GF’s truck doing over there at night….. You’re not married yet? Don’t tell me you’re having premarital sex …..
I’ve only had one kind of bad neighbor in the 30 yrs I’ve lived here. They lived next door and built a little pond on their patio. In that pond they put a big fing bullfrog….Every night you can imagine what I tried and failed to go to sleep to the sound of…. Well one night, totally frustrated and fed up…. “Someone” got up sometime after midnight - went over there and poured a half gallon of clothes detergent in that pond. The next day my brother, who happened to be in from out of town and an early riser got up for a walk. Went out and almost pissed his pants as well as filled them laughing and carrying on. Seems the neighbors entire patio was sitting in about 5 ft of suds ….. never did know who did that. No prints, no dna, no anything but suds. Gosh darn - never heard that bullfrog again….. They moved not to long afterwards…… That was about 25 yrs ago….
Yep, I have an OCD neighbor. I could go on for hours the stupid stuff he does.
Just a few examples:
-Mows a different direction, edges, weed wacks and leaf blows his yard every single day as early as 7 a.m. and sometimes twice a day. Once with push mower and later in the day on his rider. Will even do it in the rain.
-Washes his cars almost every day or at least as soon as it is done raining.
-leaves as many as 12 times a day (I counted one time) alternating between each car each time. Leaves for 20 mins, comes home from 20 mins to an hour and then leaves for 20 mins again. Backs in/Parks in the garage every time he comes home.
-forever switching one car to the other to each side of his garage through out each day.
-power washes everything all the time almost all day.
-I can never leave my windows open in spring, summer or nice fall days due to all of the above equipment running every day. My house smells like exhaust fumes or 2 stroke.
-He never parks in the street. Unless someone in the neighborhood is having people over. Then he will park in front of his house so no one else can. When I had my Dad's retirement party and my Daughter and Son's graduation parties (all 3 years apart). He did it all 3 times and to any other neighbors get together's.
-He puts posts up with chains so no one uses his drive way when he is not home or to turn around. Moves them around all the time to let himself in and out.
-He puts them behind his own vehicles to remind himself not to back up his own driveway too far or something???
He puts all his trash on my yard of his driveway on garbage day. 6' from the curb. Like the garbage men can't see it???? My kids park their vehicles in the street. If they are parked bumper to bumper in front of our own house, the front vehicle cannot pull away from house without moving his trash out of the way.
-He leave blows dozens of times per day all fall season long.
He blows the snow off his grass until it gets heavy enough that he can't keep up.
-Same with shoveling and snow blowing at all hours of the night during winter.
-And, it goes on and on.

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You win, especially after reading all the other posts too

He's nucken' futs for damn sure
that's 1 strange dude
I'm all for let people do what they will with their own stuff
but that's crazy/insane crazy stuff

maybe he hates his wife
do anything to get away or outside away from her
it takes all types, he's one strange dude

the 20 min. drives seem like a drug dealer/tweaker' (crankster Hunter),
he doesn't look like that though
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I’ve only had one kind of bad neighbor in the 30 yrs I’ve lived here. They lived next door and built a little pond on their patio. In that pond they put a big fing bullfrog….Every night you can imagine what I tried and failed to go to sleep to the sound of…. Well one night, totally frustrated and fed up…. “Someone” got up sometime after midnight - went over there and poured a half gallon of clothes detergent in that pond. The next day my brother, who happened to be in from out of town and an early riser got up for a walk. Went out and almost pissed his pants as well as filled them laughing and carrying on. Seems the neighbors entire patio was sitting in about 5 ft of suds ….. never did know who did that. No prints, no dna, no anything but suds. Gosh darn - never heard that bullfrog again….. They moved not to long afterwards…… That was about 25 yrs ago….
:rofl::rofl::rofl:You just beat out Bud for the gut laugh of the day!!!
I know of a guy that was a bad alky and when he quit drinking, he focused on the yard and did similar stuff like that.....but his wife asked him one day while they were out and about if he wanted a beer and that was the end of that.
We often thought he was a drunk, but he comes and goes way too often. He would have like 3500 DUI's. And, his mowing lines are always too straight and perfect. I do see him with a beer occasionally walking around his yard or on his front porch.
You win, especially after reading all the other posts too

He's nucken' futs for damn sure
that's 1 strange dude
I'm all for let people do what they will with their own stuff
but that's crazy/insane crazy stuff

maybe he hates his wife
do anything to get away or outside away from her
it takes all types, he's one strange dude

the 20 min. drives seem like a drug dealer/tweaker' (crankster Hunter),
he doesn't look like that though
He has been divorced since before I moved in over 20 years ago. He is a loner. He never has a buddy stop by, no family members either. He does have a Son in his 30's now and 3 grand kids that I have only seen visit like 3 times over for a visit that are in their teens now. I think they all know he is just too damn weird.
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