Well-Known Member
Awesome! My 8 year old son slept ate and breathed Thomas for about 4 years. I'm gonna show him that later.
Sure! Go get certified in SolidWorks - CSWA (certified SW associate) is super easy and there are real jobs out there needing that cert. there are other more advanced certs as well. Then maybe get with a company that teaches professional development, maybe your town / county / local community college. Or... do like I did and get certified as a high school teacher ... it's F U N.
Well, 30 years on and the first four seasons of that show will never get out of my blood. It combines three of my passions in a way nothing else has: Miniatures, cinematography, and railroads. Come to think of it, it's probably to blame for those 3 specific passions - chicken before the egg?
Will definitely look into the SW certification. Haven't used it, but can't be any worse than Blender.
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