EXCEPT - isn't that "ground" plug really switched positive 12V power into to the cluster and the limiter from the ignition switch? It also feeds the oil and brake indicator light bulbs, and according to the wiring diagram, both the oil sender and the brake switch are essentially on/off grounding switches, and should be negative 12V.
I just answered my own question. And I think I answered a few others.
If the factory manual here accurately reflects what Joe Union of the UAW shoved into my dashboard between beers back in 1968, my dark blue w/stripe wire - which is supposed to be my +12V switched ignition - is currently sitting on the post for the e-brake/brake failure warning light, based on the
forum diagram in the previous post. And the brake failure/e-brake warning light is on the switched ignition plug.
The only things fed directly by switched ignition are the oil warning light, e-brake light, and limiter. And since the brake light doesn't give a hoot which way the polarity is, it comes on anyway. But the limiter does give a hoot. A really big hoot. <Insert your worst Hooters joke here>.
<Now insert long silence followed by some vaguely amusing verbal vulgarity here>
In other words, the correct routing should have the blue-with-stripe wire providing +12V switched ignition to the following part of the board, and the black wire providing -12V/ground to the e-brake light:
I don't know who drew up that old cluster diagram that circulates here on the forum, but - with no personal offense meant to the fellow who created it - it's starting to look like 75% of it was drawn by looking at the harness upside down, 20% filled in with vague assumptions, and the remaining 5% completed by guesstimated bullshit.
Oy, what a night...