Shake down drive #2.. another 50 or so miles on the clock.
Finally another sunny day for shake down drive #2.
I got the grass all cut and left the gardener behind so she can get the place ready for the executor to sell.. lol. (some old nag on a bike went by last week while the wife was tending to some plants down at the gate and asked her if she was the gardener that was getting the place ready to sell, since the old people that lived here had died! )
Left with about 3/8ths of a tank of 100LL and hit the local Shell for their best to get a good mix. Stopped filling on the first click off, so tank not totally full. Think I got the repro sender set up pretty good.. and that's a rarity it seems, but looks like it was well worth the extra time to make sure the ohm readings on sweep were close and the arm was swinging correctly in the tank.
About 30 miles into the cruise and everything sitting where it should. Temp right on the 180 thermostat and I was running it pretty hard power shifting and maintaning 2500 to 4500 RPM's. Bennett and Hanson engine rebuild from 1978!
Shot for whom ever was running the pool that I had built a trailer queen!
No rocker cover leaks anymore, but still have an issue and glad I drilled that little hole in the scatter shield. Hoping it's the front trans seal and not the engine rear seal. One's a 2 hour and $10 job.. the other %@#(*
Nothing coming out the block plate side, so really hoping just a trans input seal.
Reminding myself of the old days.. hoist is a bit tied up.
Another worry off the list.. full tank, zero leaks!