Well-Known Member
now the fun really begins.
Ok I slacked all weekend.
Stupid rain kept me from doing any blasting... but I did get a couple things done.
drillin and splitt'n
Test hang teaser.
Note the 11,000 RPM extreeme titty twister scar on my shirt, be careful with those grinders dudes. Lol!!
Quit looking so Damn serious Dave...LOL
i just figured it was because he was drinking natural light!
just to chime in,i would agree with matt on the old paint scheme, i would hate to see it go,but that was in the "hippie" days.i think the color you are going to put on the car now will make that car a headturner at any carshow or on the street.
krylon can on the floor was used to mark the trunk floor pan from under the car.