so its been awhile since my last post, been working mostly on the new wiring for the car, its kinda hard to see what lies hidden, but all the wiring in the interior of the car is now done, just currently working on the engine bay harnesses. Finished my wiring guide, I have also got around to finishing up some loose ends:
wired my amp under the package tray out of sight
radio now in the glovebox
battery in the back complete with all my relays hidden and battery disconnect in the trunk (for now)
floor mat all done
cleaned up all of my seatbelts ready for install:
so I have two boys now, one in a baby seat, other in a child seat. We plan on maybe having one more down the road. You can buy child anchors for child seats, which I installed here in the package tray in front of the speakers and one in the middle:
The problem is this. No one, and I mean NO ONE sells a set of the lower metal latch systems used on baby seats that are in all of the modern cars today, I've tried aftermarket, dealerships ect. So realizing this I came to make up my own I made from used racing belt anchors, heck if it can hold back a 300lbs adult, a 20 lbs baby should be easy. I had to dremel the holes out about a 1/16" so the latches from the seat could hook onto them. The brackets are made from 1/4" flat bar and grade 8 hardware, (overkill I know) but they are holding my baby boys!
I had to cut two of them down to mount on the wheel well and angle the hooks with the top half of the rear seat in so they are about 1/4 -1/2" sunk in out of sight until you need them.
once the seats were installed, you can't see them until you push them back for use! So now I can have 3 babies in the rear seat, or 3 children, or a combination of the two!
with that out of the way I can finish the interior!
I should mention that all the seats are original
- - - Updated - - -
I had also got to finishing mounting my rear 69 Camaro spoiler, Here it is from start to finish:
First mask off the area your with green painters tape, saves the paint for underneath and allows you to mark on it. Position where you want the spoiler to sit, and with a measuring tape mark where the tips of your spoiler will sit, I measured from the trunk edge, then from the sides, the tips sit about an 1/4" from the edge:
When you figured out where she' gonna sit, you wanna mark out the stud locations for the spoiler and drill small holes and see if that's where they need to be before making them bigger (I bought two spoilers 69 and a 68, the 68 is 2" shorter so I sold it) they have the same stud location and both of them came with a template, but I noticed that the studs weren't mounted in the same place, even though they were both made by the same company, they could get up to almost a 1/2" out. ouch. After you have the size of the holes you want I drilled in the center from the outside going in so I know where to drill them underneath:
Underneath I would mask the area off around the hole and drill out to the size you want:
I went a little bigger than I thought, I was thinking maybe down the road if I had to buy another rear spoiler for whatever reason(carbon fiber perhaps?), I would have plenty of room for the studs if they end up being off like the ones I had. you can use a hole saw, I used a stepper bit for the weird corner ones and cleaned up with a dremel, and don't forget to file off your sharp edges!
Now that we have all the holes done were gonna have to mount this somehow. The 4 studs on the back of the trunk can be held down with your standard washers and locknuts, but the front studs being more accessible I have a better Idea, I bought these flat washers and these allthread connectors that fit inside the washers:
With the spoiler in place, thread the connector all the way till it bottoms out, the back it off a couple turns and weld the washer in place:
I put a spot weld just to hold it in place:
Then you can weld them up!
Now you have a custom nut that you can tighten all the way down and not worry about it bottoming out on the stud!
I painted them, but you could powder coat them:
Before your put your spoiler on be sure to use some sort of gasket material, I'll be using gasket maker, doesn't harm the paint underneath and not bad to clean up.
And it finishes off like this! I used 3/4" body plugs to hide the inner access holes for the rear studs, I did the outter access rear holes the same size as the trunk body plugs at 1 1/4" (Please excuse the flaking paint, something I have to have a talking to about with my painter in the very near future)
Hopefully you have something similar to this when your finished! (without the painters tape and the spoiler painted lol)