Back once again with a little progress. I have been working on pulling more parts off of Voodoo, some going into storage such as the steering wheel and door panels, others going straight in the trash like some of the crusty electronics from the engine bay.
The welders I have been talking with came and looked at the project, they seemed confident they could accomplish the method that was shared on the previous page here by
@Dave6T4 which made me real happy! I'll be ordering the AMD floor pans as soon as I have completed the strip down. Not much left in the interior after the door panels, but I do have to grind the studs off of the seat tracks and gas pedal. They have become one with the floor unfortunately. I also received that Six Pack style air cleaner, and began mocking that up to see what is needed for it to work with the dual Edelbrocks on my 440.
I rested it on top of the motor for now just to check alignment, clearances and spacing. I'll be creating a flat aluminum plate with the carb spacing traced out from the existing air cleaner base. I am going to use a metal brake and bend the sides down to create a "box" with a lip that goes around the perimeter. I can then secure that to the existing base (after cutting a matching rectangle out of it) using rivets and some high temp RTV to seal it.
That plate will be wide enough to clear the accelerator pump linkages, but needed 1/4" risers as they are the highest points on the carbs. The risers I got are aluminum, and I was pretty happy with the quality. The Edelbrocks have some bulky "shoulders" so I had to machine away some notches on each of them for clearance.
The hole spacing for the carb studs is really close to the spacing for the lid. I am thinking I may actually be able to get away with using studs right from the carbs up through the lid, rather than a two part thing. Will mess with that as I get closer to completion. As for the air cleaner lid, I am going to be doing wrinkle black to match the valve covers. Should make for a tough looking motor sitting in that green engine bay. As always, more to come so stay tuned!