It is the standard dash.
I set out to remove the cluster to troubleshoot why nothing except the speedo and the fuel gauge worked. I live in SE Georgia. Someone once used the expression, "Sometimes you set out to just drain the swamp a little, then you end up dealing with the gators". This is one of those times. I just wanted to repair a few wires, but now I am elbows deep.
Anyway, I mapped out all of the wires. The main wire going to the cluster is pretty fried. I looked at the gauges and they all seem like they are in good shape, so hopefully it was just the wire that shorted. I also need to repair the wires that shorted out on Friday, but now that everything is out of the car, I will take care of that on the bench rather than laying on the floor under the dash.
I wrote down and mapped out all of the wires. I then used Lucid Chart to diagram them in a cleaner fashion and document what I need to repair. I cross referenced that with the wiring diagram that I found here and it all seems to match up. I am going to visually inspect all of the wires and then use an ohm meter to check any that look suspect. I have a ton of wire, pretty good soldering skills (Part of my job involves soldering connections on cell phone boards) and I think I can just replace the bad wires rather than spend $700 or so dollars on an entire loom. Actually after looking at the wiring harness, I am fairly sure that I could rebuild it if I had all of the connectors (I love classic cars for this reason).
Anyway, thanks for all of the help here. Keep the advice coming. I am not scared to death yet, I guess we will see how it goes when it is time to put it back together. I am hesitant to leave it in pieces too long. I took pics and made diagrams, but as more time goes by, I will forget where stuff goes.
Thanks again.